Chapter 26

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Consequences- Lynnea Moorer


August had repeatedly gone over the customs and process of what I would go through at this gathering.

He also happened to mention that my arrival was a surprise; all of the other wolves were simply told to dress formally, as there was a big announcement.

I toyed with my fingers nervously as I sat alone in the backseat of a sleek black car, going over everything to expect at my introduction.

Apparently it was a custom for the Alpha to arrive and greet the pack before the Luna arrived, so we had to travel in separate cars.

The cars were somewhat unnecessary, as the location of the gathering was simply placed in the middle of the pack grounds, in a large communal building. But nevertheless, it would seem 'improper' for the future Luna to trudge through the woods on her way to her introduction. So I complied.

The short ride was over quickly, the car rolling to a stop in front of a large brown building, with far reaching windows and a warm yellow glow.

I murmured a thanks to the driver, picking my dress up as I exited the vehicle. I made my way slowly up to the wide double doors, where a very excited Tara was bouncing on her toes.

She was in a flimsy green dress, much simpler than mine, yet still stunning. Her brown curls were pinned back in two buns, with matching emerald bows wrapping around each.

"Ready for this?" She asked excitedly.

I gave a soft nod, my nerves in facing the pack making me jittery.

"Let's rock and roll!" She yelled, before throwing the doors dramatically open.

All at once, I felt several pairs of eyes turn towards us as we made our eccentric entrance into the room.

The wolves stared silently for a while, before a low murmur began around the room as they began to gossip.

I could see that people were beginning to question who I was. They still had no idea that their Alpha had found his mate.

I attempted to ignore their chatter, especially those of the people who seemed malicious towards me.

Instead, I scanned the spacious room for a set of amber eyes.

I stopped in my tracks as I saw August from across the room, standing on a slightly raised platform. His eyes were locked on me, the grin on his face never fading.

I made my way slowly through the crowd that had parted like the Red Sea, Tara still hooked onto my arm.

She babbled to people as we passed as I offered them a small smile.

We had finally made it to my mate, and I nearly drooled at the sight of him in his tux.

It fit him perfectly, giving off an air of authority. But his tough Alpha facade dissolved as I approached.

I could feel the crowd watching with a hush, curious as to what a simple human girl was doing here, going up to the Alpha.

August held out his hand to me, and I placed mine gently in his hold. He pulled me leisurely from Tara's grasp and up onto the raised platform.

He held me for a moment in his arms, and it felt like we were the only people in the room as he gazed into my eyes.

We were pulled from our little bubble as the crowd once again began to murmur.

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