Chapter 12

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The next few chapters are going to get more exciting ;)

Hostage- Billie Eilish


The early morning sunlight streamed through the slightly parted curtains, landing directly on my eyes.

I blinked them open slowly, squinting in the bright light.

I heard a soft sigh, and looked down to see my precious mate curled up in a massive mound of blankets, both of her small hands wrapped lightly around my arm that was laying closest to her, and her head resting on my chest.

A soft smile took over my face, until I remembered that I actually had work to do today.

I didn't want to leave Heaven alone, especially after the whole mirror incident transpired not even a few hours ago.

But an alpha had duties to attend to, ones that I had admittedly been avoiding since I had first laid eyes on my mate.

So, being careful not to wake the girl laying beside me, I gently lifted her off of my chest, which she was currently pressed into, and laid her back down onto the mound of pillows.

As I got up, I quickly scribbled a note to her.

I'm sorry I had to leave.
If you need me, I'll be in my office.

I place the note on the nightstand, so she'll see it when she wakes up.

I tucked the blanket back into place around her, and turned around to leave.

As I was walking through the doorframe, I turned back to face her sleeping form, a gentle smile crawling it's way onto my face.

She'll be fine. I tried to convince myself.

Heaven was strong, I knew she would be okay. But it didn't stop me from worrying.

I continued down the hall, coming to the door of my office.

Pushing open the large oak door, I make my way into the room and over to my desk.

I sat down at the desk, looking at the massive mound of papers and documents gathered in the desk's surface.

Holding back a groan, I got to work on the papers.

An hour into working, and I had gotten only half way into catching up on everything I had missed the past few days.

It didn't help that Heaven pushed her way into my thoughts every few minutes, distracting me each time I tried to get any work done.

I leaned back, stretching from my stiff position in the chair. As I took a break from the excruciatingly boring paperwork, my phone began to ring.

Seeing Antonio's name pop up, I answered.

"What is it, Antonio?" I asked.

"More rogue scents along the northern border," he answers, then pauses slightly as if contemplating how to tell me the next part. "His scent is here too."

At those words, my hand clenched angrily around the phone as I tried to reign in my resentment at the thought of him.

"How did he get this close?" I grit out through my teeth.

"His scent's a few hours old, along with the other rogues," he responds smoothly, trying to remain calm at my burning rage, "Which means they snuck in just after the night patrol came in."

"Which means he knows our patrol schedule." I conclude, bitterness dripping through my words.

"I'll set up a new patrol schedule right away," Antonio answers quickly.

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