Chapter 11

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Lonely together- Jasmine Thompson



As soon as I stepped foot in house, the scent of freshly spilt blood overwhelmed my senses.

The smell confused me at first. There was only one other person staying with me inside this house.

This couldn't be anyone else's blood besides Heaven's.

The thought sent me directly into panic.

I raced up the stairs at record speed, and followed the smell to the guest bedroom, where she had been staying.

I swung open the door, nearly slamming it into the wall in my haste to get to her.

The sight that my eyes met would undoubtedly be in my nightmares for the rest of my life.

There stood my beautiful mate, surrounded by shattered glass, a broken mirror, and a sickening amount of blood dripping from her hand, pooling onto the floor.

For a moment, I couldn't move as I watched the blood continue to fall from her hand.

Then, a movement broke me from my trance.

Heaven turned her head from her gaze on the destroyed mirror, and fixed her blue eyes on me.

In all of my years of living, nothing has ever scared me as much as the look swimming in her irises.

Her azure eyes held such a defeated look, one that constricted my throat and made my heart shatter.

I haven't felt anything like this before.

Heaven's eyes stayed focused on me, and a soft smile graced her lips, contradicting the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"August," she whispered, her voice cracked and quiet.

"Heaven," I answered, barely containing the extreme emotions leaking into my voice.

I make my way slowly over to her, my feet crunching over the shards of glass surrounding where she stood.

"It hurts," Heaven sobbed, suddenly breaking into tears.

The sight was too much to bear.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I scooped her small, quivering body into my arms, hugging her as if she would disappear; because in that moment, I thought she might.

"Shh," I whisper, pulling her closer into my chest, "It's okay."

She was still shaking, so I began running my hands through her ebony hair in an attempt to soothe her.

After a few more moments, Heaven's sniffles began to quiet, and her shaking became less erratic.

Slowly, I pulled her back from my chest, still keeping her tucked in my arms.

"Sorry you had to see that," she fake laughed, another strangled sob escaping her throat, "And I'm sorry about the mess."

She's worried about the broken mirror, of all things?

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