xvi. bucky?

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captain america: the winter soldier

CHAPTER SIXTEENcaptain america: the winter soldier

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        "HYDRA DOESN'T LIKE LEAKS." Sitwell explained to the trio as they drove towards the Triskelion.

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it." Sam glared at him through the rear-view mirror.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Luna popped her head up, looking between Sam and Steve.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve explained.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell made his opinion known.

Suddenly the Winter Solider landed on the top of the car, and broke the window, pulling Sitwell out, and throwing him into oncoming traffic. Luna watched to try and see exactly where he was going. He climbed back onto the roof, and started shooting. Luna climbed into the front seat, throwing her body over Steve's.

Steve pulled the emergency brake, causing the Winter Solider to go flying onto the freeway in front of them. They all watched as he went flying, but landed perfectly, catching himself before he fell. Luna reached for her gun, and went to shoot, but before she could, another car smashed into the back of them pushing the car along.

As they got closer, the Winter Solider jumped back on top of the car, smashed his hand through the car windshield and pulled out the steering wheel, "Shit!" Sam cursed. Luna fired a few rounds, but he jumped off of their car, and onto the car behind them. Their car continued to be pushed along, and was about to flip over.

"Hang on!" Steve shouted, and grabbed onto both Luna and Sam. He broke the door off, and they went sliding down the highway. Luna watched as the car they had sat in seconds before got demolished.

The Winter Solider walked over to a HYDRA agent, who handed him a gun, and shot a bomb at Steve and Luna. He pushed Luna out of the way, and held his shield in front of him. The bomb bounced off his shield, and he went flying off the freeway and into a nearby bus.

Sam and Luna spread out as the HYDRA agents kept shooting at them. Luna hid behind a crashed car, and shot at them. She was getting kind of tired of the gun, so she holstered her gun, and flicked her wrist, killing one of the guys. She turned around, and saw more guys coming and cursed under her breath.

The Winter Solider took her moment of hesitation as a moment to shoot another bomb at her. She jumped into the other line right as it went off. All of them kept shooting at her as she hopped over a car hood. The Winter Solider shot another bomb at the car right as she jumped off the freeway. She flew down as the car exploded behind her.

The Winter Solider, as well as the other HYDRA agents kept their eyes peeled as they looked for Luna. He was looking at the bus that Steve had landed in, and was about to shoot at it, when bullets went flying up. He looked down, quickly, seeing Luna, then turning around, taking cover.

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