17: Diagnosis

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Giovanni Sanders

"Gio, this is Nadine. Nadine please meet, Gio."

"Gio..." my mother whispered looking at me with such a pitiful expression. Tyson stepped around me, placing his hand against her waist and oddly enough, she didn't budge or even flinch. This was actually happening.

"Are you, serious right now?" I spat.

"Gio..." she said again, reaching to grab my arm but I flash her off and took a step back.

"Nah, tell me this is some kind of joke."

"I can explain."

"I didn't ask you to explain. I said, tell me this is some kind of joke!" I yelled.

"Hold, on... what's going on here?" Tyson looked between us.

"You can stay the hell out of this conversation." I pointed at him.

"I can explain." My mother said. "You weren't supposed to find out like this..."

"Oh, so how was I supposed to find out about my own mother not only messing around with someone else, but having a disease that I wasn't made aware of."

"Mother?" Tyson's brows knitted together. "This can't be your mother... you just said you were at Kerri's with your family on Sunday, I was with her. How is that possible?"

"My family, meaning everyone other than this sorry excuse of a mother." I chuckled in her direction. "I thought she was at school studying... little did I know she was getting busy."

"School?" Tyson's brow raised once again. "Why would you be studying, Nadine? How could you possibly handle both work and school?"

"WORK?!" I let out, in total shock.

"Yes... Nadine works reception at the Nursing School, downtown. Maybe you're mistaking that for her actually being a student." He explained.

"Nigga... how the hell is that even possible? This is my own mother."

"And my girlfriend of the past six months, not to mention the first three when we were in the talking stage. I see her at work, I bring her lunch, I take care of her... I think I would know if she was a student or an employee."

"Take care of her?" my eyes widened, "my dad is the one paying for that schooling, putting money in her pocket, working his ass off to provide the roof where she laid her head every night. What the hell do you mean, my nigga?" I realized that some of the guests in the restaurants were beginning to take notice but I didn't give a damn at this point.

"Isn't your dad the nigga that gave her the disease she has in the first place?"

"What?" I felt my knuckles begin to tense up as I tried to hold myself back.

"Nadine said that her husband, stepped out on her and gave her what she has now."

I looked over at my mother who held her head down low. "Mom!" I yelled, causing her to look up with tear filled eyes. "Cut the crocodile shit. is this true or are you lying on my pops the way how you've practically been lying about your whole life."

"I... I planned to tell all of you, but when I found out about your sis-."

"Are you lying on my father?!" I asked again, "I don't care for no bullshit right now. Just need a yes or no answer."

My mom sighed, before letting out a "yes."

"Meaning this ain't the first time you stepped out on him?"

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