10: Questions

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Giovanni Sanders

I leaned back in the already uncomfortable library chair, with my feet placed on the table. I was on my third medical textbook for the week, and I couldn't lie; the information I was gaining was more interesting than I had thought it to be. At first it went from just a little bit of research, to actually wanting to know more for my own personal use, especially with what was going on with my sister.

Despite me pushing it to the side for her benefit, I was truly an emotional wreck, busting at the seams daily. I couldn't sleep throughout the night without going into her room to make sure she was still there, I couldn't eat without thinking about the memories we would have over every meal, I couldn't even play basketball without remembering her showing out to every single game or practice when I was still at Georgian. Don't get me wrong, my sister was a pain in my ass from time to time, she was the child that my parents had always wanted me to be, she was annoying, loved to argue, was the biggest snitch, even embarrassed me from time to time. Desiree was nothing close to perfect, but at the end of the day, she was my other half and as much as I hated to admit it; my best friend.

I didn't understand how my family was acting as though every day was just a regular day. I didn't understand how we sat around the house, not cherishing every moment and one thing I didn't understand was why they weren't pushing the idea of treatments more. I would hear my mother try to drop hints here and there, but hints weren't enough. Time was flying, I know it was like a week and some change since finding out, but that was a week and some change of time wasted and I hated every single last second of it.

After reading up over the last week, I learned that Desiree's cancer has so many options, she could have prolonged survival by the use of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, observation. I knew it wasn't an operable one being as the chances of survival were slim to none, but I figured the least we could do was try out the treatments until they found another way. If they didn't find another way, I wanted to try at least, but it seemed as if I was the only one, trying and I hated it. As much as I blamed her for being selfish with this whole experience, I blamed my parents for once again letting this be a result of their negligent parenting.

I mean, my father tried his best with the amount of work hours he went through on a weekly basis, but my mother on the other hand; who I loved with my whole hear, could have done so much better. After all, she was going to school to be a Registered Nurse; how could she have not caught this sooner? How could she have not seen the symptoms or the signs in Desiree? I'll tell you why, because my mom was far too busy worried about achieving this dream that she should've worked towards ages ago. Instead of sitting at home all those years, not settling on a career. My mom should've handled her schooling, It was time for her to be a parent now and all she was focused on, was getting her exams done. Like always, I was left to do what I basically felt I was brought into this world to do; act as Desiree's parent.

Putting the book to the side, I grabbed my phone and began to call a number that I had been using a lot as of lately. It rang a few times before I heard the familiar voice join the line. "Hello Giovanni."

"Gio is fine," I smirked, opening up the notebook I had before me. "How are you doing Dr. Rogers?"

"I'm alright, just trying to enjoy my day off."

"Oh, well it's good to know that we have more time to talk... I know you had patients yesterday."

"Yes, I did."

"I just have a few questions for you, if you don't mind."

"I may be only able to answer one for the day, Gio. I barely get a day off and as far as I'm concerned, I really don't want to talk medicine today. If you want to call me back when I'm at the hospital tomorrow or even come in to speak with one of my nurses, who'll be glad to tackle these questions; I could work something out."

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