19: A Few Alterations

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Filler Chapter, Just so you can get a better look at Trey's character

Don't forget to check out the last chapter. Not sure if everyone got the notification.

Trey Wiggins

"And she's been working this whole time?" my eyes stayed widened from Desiree's story, she nodded her head while taking a couple hits from the blunt. When she was done, she held it out for me. "Nah, you need that more than me." I scoffed, "keep it."

"Thank you." she leaned back in the passenger seat and placed it right back in between her lips.

I had wanted to tell her about the whole Shaniya situation, but after hearing everything that was going on. I knew she didn't need anymore stress on her plate, especially not at this moment. As long as everyone knew they were nothing but rumors that's all that matters. Including the stupid little one about, her being "sick." I hated Georgian and how twisted their minds were.

I was just happy to know that she wasn't still upset about the whole incident that happened after the party. I don't think I'd ever experienced being ghosted by a girl, and Desiree out of all people showed me that it wasn't the best feeling. I felt hopeless, conflicted and so confused to the point where it messed with my mental and even my sleep. I was just glad that it was over, I was glad that we were talking again.

"That's crazy. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that."

"I can't say that I was caught off guard, my moms been MIA for a minute. I feel it for my pops though."

"Yeah. I feel it for him as well... he needs himself a good lawyer to get back that money he's been giving her."

"Hopefully he can afford one after everything."

"I hope so too..." I sighed and listened as the school bell rang and the parking lot began to fill with people heading to get out of here for lunch or cutting through to walk to the nearest plaza. "You hungry?" I asked her.

"Not yet, but I will be after this." she said, holding the blunt up. "Got anything in mind?"

"What are you feeling for?"

"Hm... something Mexican, haven't had that in a while."

"Oh!" I pointed towards her, giving her a nod. "I got the spot."

"You sure? You gotta make sure it hits."

"I know for sure that it'll hit." I cut on the engine and the both of us pulled on our seatbelts as I drove out of my spot.

We head down the street after the line of cars trying to exit the school parking lot, heading towards one of my secret locations. "My brother really got you, good." Desiree giggled from her seat, I shot her a look and couldn't even be made because that smile on her face was hard to resist.

"I just didn't see him coming, that's all."

"Ohhh." She said sarcastically. "For sure."

"I'm being serious, I could've gone toe to toe with Gio if I wanted to."

"Oh, most definitely." She continued to tease, "so when you say you didn't see him coming, was that the first... or second time." she said, pointing at her nose.

"ALLLLL I'm saying, is that Brooklyn got in the way and ruined it for me. Not to mention the fact that me knocking out your brother would probably lead to me, never being able to see you again; which is something I didn't want."

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