39: Aircraft

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Desiree Sanders

Unfortunately, due to the price and the last-minute planning we weren't able to get tickets to San Francisco. I didn't mind though, because Jeremiah kept me real... real busy, making up for all the loving I was going to miss during my recovery process.

After hearing the reason, Dr. Rogers was nice enough to cover the cost. Also, with what we could afford; only one of my parents would've been able to come. Thankfully, she made it possible for both along with Amber and both my grandparents. Jeremiah of course, was covered by his mother who decided to tag along as well, Jeremiah's interest in meeting her new husband really made it all possible.

I popped my earphones into my ear after finally getting through the airport check points, I stood to the side and collected the rest of my things off of the conveyor belt while waiting for Jeremiah to get through. Of course, with him being a man they took much longer; I could tell he was annoyed but he remained calm until they finished their extensive search.

Sighing, he walked over to the belt and took his things up as well, adjusting his bag over his shoulder as he joined me and threw his arm over my shoulder. Before me, my family was far ahead, grabbing seats in the waiting area. I could tell that despite the good news, they were still quite angry and I didn't blame them.

Jeremiah kissed my head and rubbed my shoulder. "You know you're going to have to talk to them, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"And preferably before you get on the plane."

"Did they apologize to you yet?"

"That's the least of my worries right now. I care about you sorting things out with them. I know they shouldn't have said what they said in the moment, but sometimes when our backs against the wall we say things we don't mean. Just like I know you didn't mean what you said to your pops in that very same moment." He looked down at me before stopping to turn me to face him, "I'm going to grab us a drink, you do what you gotta do." he said while adjusting the sweater that I had borrowed from his closet.

"Do I have to?" I rolled my eyes and pouted.

"Yes, you do." he kissed my forehead. "Last thing I need is for him to break my jaw this time, I've been catching nothing but dirty looks since we got here, which isn't something I want. Keep in mind, I'm going to have to go to him one of these days for his blessing." He said, sizing me up and licking his lips.

I giggled, then just shook my head while he turned me in their direction before heading over to the Starbucks. I mentally groaned, walking over to where they sat. My mother was busy in her phone while my dad sat there, staring into the distance.

I took a deep breath before shaking off my nerves and just walking in front of them. My dad was quick to look up, followed by my mother who just placed the phone face down on her lap. "I'm sorry," I blurted out. "I didn't mean what I said. I was heated at the moment and I should've known better. I love you dad and I love you mom. I want you to know that I appreciate this because you really didn't have to make such a sacrifice."

"We love you too baby." My mom flashed me a toothless smile while standing up to hug me, while she rubbed my back, I looked over to see my father who met my gaze before turning away to look in another direction.

Once my mom pulled away from me, I crouched down in front of him, giving him no choice but to look at me. "Dad," I whispered. I could see his eyes welling up with tears, but he was quick to blink them away before looking directly at me. "He loves me, a lot and I know that you know it. I know you want to protect me, but keeping me away from him wouldn't be doing that; at all. I need him, especially now."

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