29: Friends, Forever?

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Shaniya Aramide

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Shaniya Aramide

"SHANIYA!" my mom called for the fiftieth time this morning, my body was aching and so sore. The last thing I needed was a headache with her name on it. Today, just wasn't the day. "SHANIYA!" she called again.

"WHAT?!" I let out, meanwhile rolling my eyes.

My mom popped open my door with such speed and force, "did you hear me calling you this whole time?"

"Yes, I did." I glared at her, clearly annoyed.

"And? You chose to act deaf?"

"Ma, it's eight o'clock. I'm tired."

"Well maybe if you weren't walking up in here at all hours of the night, you wouldn't be. Lucky, I don't tell your ass to get out and go get a job."

"Must you do this everyday?!" I exclaimed.

"Shaniya, cut the smart mouth shit. I'm not in the mood for it today."

"I'm not even b-."

"I said cut it out!" my mother's eyes widened and she game me that 'don't try it' stare. I sucked my teeth in response. Although she was young, I still knew better. "What did you want?" I asked, in a bit of a softer tone this time.

"You gotta hit the road early today. I have a client coming in, in an hour."

"It's Sunday... the Lord's day."

"Well guess, you gotta find you a church to attend because regardless I gotta pay the rent."

"A 9-5, would do the trick." I mumbled, while pushing my blankets away. "How long do I gotta be out for this time?"

"Uh, not sure... my younger clients' sessions normally run longer."

"Gross." I turned my nose up as I climbed out of my bed, and walked over to the light switch; flipping it on. My mom was busy typing away on her phone, as usual.

"You weren't saying that when I got you those Gucci slides, last week." I waved her off and limped over to my closet, grabbing the outfit I had hung up. I knew my mom well enough and with this always being a routine; I made sure I was prepared. I grabbed my towel as well and yawned, while making my way into my attached bathroom. "Why are you limping, Shan?" her arms were folded across her chest as she followed me.

"I pulled something," I shrugged and placed everything onto the counter so I could wash my face and brush my teeth. As I glanced into the mirror however, I nearly jumped at the sight of my blackened eye.

"What the hell?!" my mother grabbed my chin and turned my face to her, her brows lowered as she examined my eye. "Who the hell did this to you? was it PJ? Did you get smart with him?! I told you to watch your mouth..."

I snatched away from her hold and shook my head, "I got into a scuffle with someone."

"That's not a scuffle! Look at your damn face."

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