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No one ever really saw Nate at assemblies, not unless he was forced to be there or it was an afternoon

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No one ever really saw Nate at assemblies, not unless he was forced to be there or it was an afternoon. So Lizzie and MG weren't surprised to not see him there, what did surprise them was Alaric asking the two to wake Nate up and make sure he's on that bus.

Alaric wanted to make sure Nathaniel didn't spiral and keeping him busy was a start. Although the other students didn't know that, MG has an idea that he didn't really speak upon.

"Rise and shine, baby wolf." Lizzie sounds a little too joyful as she storms once again into his room. "Elizabeth,what is it that you want?" Looking up at the Saltzman, he didn't expect to see the vampire also there with her.

Lizzie begins to explains, already knowing how she's going to reveal the destination"Well, my dad wants you on this trip with us." The look on the wolf's face makes her smirk even more.

"And before you get all woof woof on me, I did warm him it what's a good idea to go to that school. I mean what if you see Connor? He does go to Mystic High after all."

MG didn't expect said boy to groan and fall back onto his bed, he expired the wolf to yell and start refusing, but this seemed a little too... unexpected maybe? Oh he doesn't know.

"I'm not going on a trip to a space full of useless humans." And this time it's Lizzie who makes a face, she dies not want to be the one to tell him that Landon is back at the Salvatore school.

"Yeah well, you don't get a say. So get up and prepare because I wanna make an entrance." And with that, the 15 year old walks out, leaving MG to try and tell Nate about Landon.

Nathaniel already knows something is up, he can smell it on MG. "Okay, why are you so nervous? I won't bite you again, I'm not that angry." The blonde chuckles trying to lift up the mood in the room, but fails.

"Erm.. ok so don't get wolf angry, please?" Milton's plead doesn't make any sense to the werewolf at hand, why would he get angry? "Landon's back and he's coming with us to the high school." Now that mumble didn't go unheard.

Yet before the labonair could begin to process this, MG had flashed out the room and away else where. "Damn you, Kirby." The blue eyed teen whispers as he got up to shut his door and get changed.

This time, he is late on purpose. Mostly because he spent a good few minutes trying not to break the first thing he lays his eyes on. Also because he wanted to piss of Lizzie, they may of been on good terms the night before but that was just a one off.

"Nice if you to finally show up asshat." The blonde's announce is laced throughout her words, so much so that MG puts a hand in her shoulder to calm her down.

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