Chapter 22

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Taehyung POV

After everything that happened the day before, and after overthinking for quite a while, I figured Yoongi was right and the only way I could fix the situation with Jungkook was talking it out. Perhaps I should have waited to speak to Jin first and then actually go and figure things out with Jungkook, but we took the same bus after all, and I was too impatient... I just wanted to make it right, it didn't even matter if our relationship never got back to what it was, I knew I would be content simply with him not hating me and going back to his usual self. As so, as soon as I saw the brunette enter the school bus, I prepared myself.

"We need to talk"- We both spat out desperately somehow at the same time. We kind of stared at each other for a few seconds before Jungkook decided to take a seat beside me.

"Look, Taehyung... I feel really bad about yesterday, really, I shouldn't have said all the things I said out of spite, even if it was true that you told everyone about my girlfriend, I shouldn't have reacted so bluntly, especially when I know very well how that makes you feel... I spoke to Jin Hyung yesterday, he explained he had actually seen me kiss her a few weeks back but didn't think him questioning me would affect everything so much, especially because he was pretty drunk and didn't think it through... I'm so sorry for questioning you like that"- Jungkook started as he looked down.

"Wow, uh, I was actually just about to go talk to Jin Hyung to clear things out... But yeah. I'm sorry too, you may be wondering why but the truth is you totally have reasons not to trust me, at all. Yeah, I've changed, but I know very well that all the bad things that I have done will follow me for a very long time. I always was a shitty friend, and that is changing, and of course, your words hurt me yesterday, not only because it was you who said them, but also because they rang true to everything I once was, and somethings I may still be. I'm trying to be better, really, I know I still fuck up all the time, that's why I understand you may never be able to trust me completely, and for that I will always be sorry"- I said, feeling completely tiny next to the world, I knew he didn't trust me completely, I knew he never would, and I couldn't blame him.

"Hey, Tae, stop. Whatever happened a while back, yeah it was really shitty, but I do know you've changed, you don't have to punish yourself your whole life because of that, I think you have suffered more than enough in fact. This whole ordeal was just a very big misunderstanding... And a very bad reaction from my behalf... I really hope we can leave this behind and, move on, keep on being friends"- Jungkook said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Jungkook... It's fine, really, I will always consider you my friend"- I finally said as I gave him a big smile back.

After fixing our relationship somehow, Jungkook told me he was in fact very worried about me yesterday, and he felt awful because he figured it was entirely his fault that I went into overdrive yet again. He also told me he doesn't understand how Yoongi Hyung is so perceptive, because he immediately realized there was something going on between Jungkook and me, and then basically almost beat Jungkook up for information. Jungkook explained he very superficially explained what had happened between us and then gave Yoongi my address. I was... Shocked to say the least, I just couldn't believe Yoongi was just so worried about me that he even went as far as to threaten Jungkook, I felt very surreal knowing that I meant something to him, even if it was just the care of a very good friend. Everything that happened the day before immediately made sense right there, and I couldn't help but smile a little.


A few weeks went by. Jungkook and I were friends again, I wouldn't necessarily say best friends though, we had started kind of drifting apart, perhaps because he spent a lot of time with his girlfriend, who turned out to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met, despite our minor fall out, I was very happy for him. Anyway, I hadn't had a lot of time to think about it as Yoongi somehow kept me pretty entertained, we talked every single day, not only by text, but at school our close relationship had started to become very evident, granted, a lot of our conversations focused on Jimin as expected, but I didn't even mind at that point, I was just happy that we were so close, that he didn't despise me anymore. I knew I probably didn't have a chance, but I enjoyed him being next to me, even if it was realistically very platonic, and hey, he and Jimin were not together yet... So maybe, just maybe, something could change.

In fact, we had become so close at that point that our whole friend group had noticed, even Jungkook who was barely there at that point, but somehow that had made them stop the shipping, maybe because of Jimin, but also maybe because there was no point anymore, we were good and close, peace had been settled. Yoongi seemed pretty relieved at that, since they had stopped with all the comments, he had become much more open somehow, he wasn't scared to put his arm around my shoulder playfully, which made him blush profusely by the way, or just make his good old snarky teasing comments, because he knew literally no one would bat an eye... I mean yeah that meant that our relationship was so platonic and exclusively friendly at that point that everyone noticed, but whatever, I had to see the good side to it if I didn't plan on going overboard with my feelings. Weirdly enough, the one thing that kept me stable about my crush on Yoongi was exactly the thing that would completely ruin any chances of him seeing me the same way I saw him, that very close friendship we were developing; heck at that point putting two and two together wasn't even hard, Namjoon and him had stopped being close a while ago and things were actually pretty awkward between them, and Jungkook and I were simply and organically drifting away, in conclusion, I was, not as gladly as anyone would expect, starting to consider him my best friend, and somehow I felt he was probably doing the same.

Everything was going... Relatively well for once, surprisingly, just a casual day in May, with me getting home and answering Yoongi's texts as I always did.


<<Hey Tae, ijdshferfji, this is high key important, I was going to ask you before we left school but I literally couldn't find you in my way out, do you remember when I asked you last week about flowers and shit?>>.


<<I mean, yeah, I'm still pretty confused as to why you were so determined to know whether roses or sunflowers looked more "aesthetic">>.


<<Okay yeah, I'm sorry I didn't explain further, I still wasn't sure if I should tell anyone... The point is I've made my mind, got the sunflowers as you told me, and some other things I'll show you in a second, because, fuck>>

<<I'll finally ask Jimin to be my boyfriend tonight!!! Fuck I'm so excited, Isn't it great?>>


<<You're doing what?!?!?!?>>


Hello! Okay so, I'm back, I don't even know how by the way. But yeah... I'm sorry about this chapter lmao sdihjshvs.

Anyway, thank you sooo much for reading and all of your support <3, this thing already has over 2k reads and I still can't believe it.

Have a nice day <3.

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