Chapter 37

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Taehyung POV

During classes, the only thing on my mind had been lunch, because I was a coward and therefore, I was absolutely nervous and anxious. When the time finally came, I took a deep breath as I started walking with my tray, I received a few weird looks from some classmates which I guess were provoked by my very visible bandage, but I did my best to rest reassured that at least Yoongi and Namjoon would be there... Well maybe not, my dear best friend was acting weird since the day before and now he was sitting in a table far away from ours with Jimin. Should have seen that one coming.

"Kim Taehyung, would you mind explaining why the fuck you didn't answer any of our calls? I was so freaking worried!"- Jin started as he looked at me in the most scolding manner ever, he looked pretty intimidating when he was mad.

"Yeah, how could you do that? I called you like 30 times, especially after Jimin told us what happened, you could have died!"- Hoseok continued, guilt-tripping me even more even if I knew I should have at least let them know I was okay so that they wouldn't be this worried.

"Dude, I found out when Jin Hyung called me practically screaming to tell me you had fallen down the stairs and broken your head, I called and even thought about going to your house at some point, please don't do that again, you frightened me"- Jungkook said, he was sitting at our table today for some reason, without his girlfriend, perhaps the situation was THAT serious.

"Guys stop, he must feel overwhelmed, just let him talk okay? Go ahead babe"- Namjoon shut them with a very comprehensive tone and looked at me at the end, I could notice he tried not to chuckle after saying 'babe'. All eyes finally fell on me.

"Look, guys, I am very sorry okay? I promise I am okay, yes I fell down the stairs and I lost consciousness for a while, Yoongi Hyung said that when he found me there was definitely a puddle of blood, but thanks to him I was rushed to the hospital, got some stitches, this funky bandage, and even if I had a headache and dizziness for a long time, now it's gone and my only bother is that I have to change this bandage often so it doesn't get infected."- I started as I looked at all their concerned and slightly mad faces, particularly Jin's- I didn't reply calls or anything because even if I was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon, I was still pretty disoriented and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep, I know I should've at least told you I was fine, I'm very sorry for that"-

"It's okay Tae, yeah you should've told us, but at least you are fine right? Then don't worry"- Jungkook said covering the silence right after I stopped speaking, he gave me a big and genuine smile.

"I guess Jungkook here is right, but please don't make me worry like that again!"- Hoseok said a bit serious at the beginning but he chuckled brightly immediately after.

"I'm still mad that you got me neurotic, but I guess there is no pint in being mad now, also I'm very happy you are actually okay Tae, please be careful!"- Jin finally said, definitely more stern than the others but forgiving and caring none the less.

"On a side note... Why are Yoongi Hyung and Jimin sitting so far away, I always see them here with you guys"- Jungkook asked as he looked over to where the couple was sitting.

"I have no idea, they are weird sometimes and decide to leave, but don't worry too much, they are literally looking over here right now"- Namjoon said curling a smile in a sort of weird tone, I looked and effectively they were looking at us, I couldn't see very well, but Jimin seemed uneasy and Yoongi looked almost... dead inside?- "Isn't that right baby bear?"- Namjoon blurted out in a bit of a higher pitch just as he engulfed me in a tight hug from the side and started kissing my cheek.

I looked ahead at my friends and tried to seem like I was enjoying whatever the hell had gotten over Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook didn't even care, they were already laughing between them, but then I crossed looks with Jin for a split second, and I didn't like one bit what I saw, I couldn't read it but... was that a teardrop forming in his eye? I couldn't be too sure, he looked away just as quick. After Namjoon finally finished his weird show of affection that was very clearly incited by the fact that Yoongi and Jimin were looking at us, I decided to look over to them once again, and they were not looking at us anymore, yet it was weird, they seemed to be eating in silence, both at opposite sides of the table.

Why was everyone acting so weird that day? I couldn't even talk with Yoongi because he was on another table, yet his expression worried me, what could be wrong? Why was he not even talking with Jimin? And what about Jin, I could've taken it out of context or in the wrong way, but why did he look at me like that? I wasn't too sure if I could even try to answer that question. With doubts still lingering in my head, I walked to class knowing I would have to talk to Yoongi in the afternoon.


Classes were over and I practically sprinted towards the biology classroom as I knew that was Yoongi's last period today, students were swarming around like bees trying to finally leave school and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the multitude around me. I finally got to the classroom, but it seemed to be empty already, I cursed for my insides, but then I heard a soft sob from the back of the class. I opened the door all the way and entered, and just as I did, I was met with Jin in the corner, crying.

"Jin Hyung?!"- I said as our eyes met, his were full of tears.

"What are you doing here Taehyung? Go away, classes are over"- Jin said looking away and sniffing, I started walking closer to him.

"Hyung, why are you crying? What's wrong, you know you can talk to me, right?"- I said softly as I reached his side. It pained me to see him like this, I had barely seen him cry in all the years we had been friends.

"Tae it's fine, just go"- Jin said insistent, almost moving away from me.

"Who hurt you like this?"- I said concerned, still moving closer and finally engulfing him with my arms, someone must have hurt him a lot for him to be like this.

Then Jin started crying harder, he sobbed against my chest for a bit just as he hugged me tight, I hugged him back in comforting silence for a while as I waited for him to calm down.

"You did"- Jin said after a while making me freeze and fail to process whatever he was exactly saying.

"Me? Hyung but... Why? I... What?"- I stated confused but also incredibly sad, I felt a knot forming in my throat just by looking at my Hyung's puffed-up face that only held sincerity.

"Tae... It's not your fault okay? I don't know why I said you hurt me, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm the only one to blame, I'm the one who can't control his feelings"- Jin said apologetic and taking my face between his hands.

"But what's wrong, what? I... Hyung..."- I said still not being completely able to form sentences correctly, especially because I felt as if I was about to cry.

"I'll tell but, but just because I think it is better to get this off my chest, please don't get angry"- Jin said after a sigh and avoiding eye contact- "I like your boyfriend okay? There, I said it, I've liked him for a very long time... We became pretty close after him and Yoongi had that weird fall out, and even before that I already felt attracted to him, us becoming so close just escalated it. He told me everything, he sounded so hurt by Jimin dating Yoongi that I couldn't help but feel that if he looked my way, things would be so much better... But he never did. I had no idea you two had been talking, he never mentioned anything about you, that's why when you two started sorts of flirting as school started it took me by surprise... I tried to play it cool, I really did, I wanted to be happy for Namjoon from moving on and happy for you too because you deserve to be loved, but I couldn't help but feel awful, it felt as if my heart was sinking every time I saw you two together... And after the other day in the cafeteria, I felt as if I was drowning... I'm sorry Tae, really, I tried to get him out but I can't, and I am so sorry"- Jin explained truthfully, tears spilling from his eyes once again at the last part. I started crying too.

"Hyung... Why didn't you tell me before?"- I asked crying, thinking about what Jungkook had told me a while ago, I was indeed hurting other people with my shenanigans, and of all people, I was hurting one of my closest friends.

"Because it's my problem, I don't expect you to change anything, I'm happy for you too... I just have to learn to deal with my feelings"- Jin said crying as well.

"Jin Hyung... Namjoon and I aren't really dating"- I said after taking a deep breath and holding Jin's hands between mines. I had to fix this problem, for once and for all, it wasn't really worth it. I was telling him everything.


Helloooooo. Yeah, I clearly haven't gotten my shit together yet, I'm sorry for taking sooo long again. But thank so so much for your support and sticking by still. I know it's annoying when someone updates like... Never. But thank you so much! Really!

Have a nice day <3.

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