The Mangaka (Rohan Kishibe x Reader)

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Here's a oneshot for our grumpy little mangaka!

    Also I need some requests! Please feel free to message me or comment on my requests chapter! I try to complete them as fast as I can!


    You had just recently moved into Morioh. Before, you lived in (Y/C), but you decided to move back as you had lived there during your childhood. You had made friends with Koichi, Josuke, and Okuyasu. And while you were talking with them, you had discovered that the author of your favorite manga,'Pink Dark Boy', was living in Morioh.

    Being the huge fan you were, you became really excited and asked if they could introduce you. They had agreed and said that they would bring you there after school. Throughout the school day you were eager to see the Rohan Kishibe. But you were also nervous, you didn't want to admit it but, you had developed some feelings for the mangaka. Sure it was strange that you had a crush for a person you've never even met, but that wasn't stopping you.

---Time Skippuuuu---

    Finally school was over, and your friends brought you to Rohan's place. You guys joked around and laughed while you made your way, but when you finally came to a stop in front of the giant house, your palms grew sweaty and you started to tremble a bit, growing nervous. The others knocked on the door,"Rohan-sensei! Our friend wants to meet you!", Koichi shouted.

    When the door opened your gaze fell upon him. Rohan Kishibe. He had dark green, slicked to the side hair with vibrant teal eyes. He wore a green zigzag like headband and earrings that looked like pens? His eyes flickered to them before settling on to you. You panicked a bit, and grew even more nervous. "Hello, you wanted to meet me? Are you perhaps a fan?", he smiled." Y-yes, I'm (Y/N)", you responded blushing a bit as he gave a slight chuckle."Rohan Kishibe, nice to meet you", he took your hand and laid a kiss upon your soft skin.

    Your blush intensified and the others gawked, they had never seen him be so nice before. The others decided to leave you two alone and said there goodbyes, wanting to give you time with the mangaka. They already knew your feelings for him, not because you told them, but because it was kind of obvious from your constant boasting of his manga and how talented and amazing he was.

    He invited you in, offering you tea and an autograph, to which you eagerly accepted. When he closed the door, he came up from behind you and shouted something,"Heaven's Door!", Then everything went black.

---(Rohan's POV)---

    I used Heaven's Door on the female and caught her as she blacked out. Her face and arms erupting into pages and pages. I read her pages observing her hobby's and likes and dislikes, even on her stand named 'Silver Angel',(Kind of like Josuke's and Risotto's stands mixed together into one , I'm so original ;v;). I was surprised when I saw a certain piece of text.'Has a crush on Rohan Kishibe, The author of her favorite manga.',I glanced at her paged face, she was no doubt attractive and seemed like a generally sweet person, why would she have feelings for me? I felt an unknown happiness bubble in my chest, Did I have feelings for her as well?

    Deciding not to look any deeper, I settled her onto the couch and withdrew my stands power. It didn't take long for you to wake up, and you shot up a bit. "You passed out for a couple minutes, You looked a bit red, would you like some water?", Your face blushed a crimson and you nodded your head. I went to the kitchen, fetching her some water, and all that I could think about was her, her plump lips, and the adorable face she made when she blushed. I shook my head, and returned to her, a cup of water clutched in my hand.

   She took the water and thanked me, I excused myself, going to get a piece of paper where I could write my autograph on. When I got back to her and handed her the auto graph, her eyes sparkled and I felt a blush overcome my cheeks. After an hour or so of talking, (Y/N) soon realized it was getting late.

    I escorted her out the door. We said our goodbyes, and as (Y/N) was turning to leave, I clutched her arm gently. "I enjoyed spending time with you,(Y/N). Come visit me anytime.", I smiled and she did as well,"I enjoyed it too!". I looked deep into her (E/C) orbs, and brought my face to hers. Her face grew brighter and I rested my lips on her pink ones. Her lips were sweet and I couldn't get enough. Unfortunately, the need to breathe overcame me and I separated from her. We both panted slightly and she looked at me with a look of pure happiness. She jumped into my arms and clutched me close to her. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her small body. This day couldn't get any better.


    Hopefully that didn't seem to rushed :/ Cya tomorrow boios, Enjoy this pic uwu

    Hopefully that didn't seem to rushed :/ Cya tomorrow boios, Enjoy this pic uwu

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