Perfect (Jotaro Kujo x Shy!Reader) {Part 1}

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So...I'm not Dead!!!! I'm sorry I haven't been posting!!! But I got some inspiration from a post on instagram and here I am now!! This is going to packed to the brim with fluff (Well almost..) and I don't know why but its making my eyes water (help) but anyways enjoy!! Also just realized how terrible I am with POVs so I wont really label them


     You clutched the hem of your (F/C) sweater with your free hand, the other gripping the plastic of the shopping bag harder as the wind brushed against your rosy cheeks. You nuzzled your nose into your scarf that adorned your neck, shivering. The sound of shoes clicking against the cement of the sidewalk filling the night air. It was peaceful. Until two hands grabbed you harshly from behind. You gasped, trying to scream out but couldn't as one of their hands cupped around your mouth. Your bags fell to the ground with a thud and they dragged you into a nearby alleyway.

   Tears welled up and streamed down your face as they pushed you against the hard wall. A pain erupted from the back of your head as it collided with the surface, a muffled cry making its way from your covered mouth. You tried to push them away as they removed their hand only to use it to rip at your sweater. The moon's light that peered into they alleyway revealed a somewhat skinny man in at least his late 40's with a scraggly beard and cheap clothing littered in stains. He snickered, "C'mon girly lemme have some fun~", his breath reeking of alcohol.

   "N-no! P-please!", You cried harder as the nights cold air swept across your exposed upper half. The pain from before starting to increase and blurring your vision. The mans hand started to wander to the clasps of your bra but stopped when something collided with the side of his face. The man stumbled to the side and groaned before whipping his head in the direction he was hit from angrily. Before you could see what was going on your eyes closed and soon everything faded out.

---(Le time skip brought to you by DIO's Roadroller :D)---

   Jotaro sighed placing his hat onto his desk, looking back at his bed where the (H/C) girl lied and thought back to what had happened ten minutes earlier.


   Jotaro was taking a stroll through the streets, what he usually did when he was bored. His gakuran whipping around as the wind whistled. He looked at all the different houses, still bored, but looked back towards the sidewalk as something caught his eye. A bag and some snacks littered around it lied in the middle of the sidewalk, he raised a brow. He went closer and heard the sound of muffled cries come from a nearby alleyway.

   Jotaro ran closer to it."N-no! P-please!", a feminine voice rang out. Turning he saw a (H/C) girl being pressed into a wall by a drunken man. He felt anger and disgust boil up inside of him. He rushed and slammed his fist into the mans face just as he was reaching behind the girls back. He could've used Star Platinum to hit the man but he felt the urge to use his own fists. The man looked back at him, letting out a groan of anger, he brought his own fist back and tried to punch Jotaro back only to get nailed in the face again. He fell to the ground and let out groans of pain as he faced multiple punches all over.

     The man passed out and Jotaro continued to punch him till his knuckles turned red, He stood back up and turned back to the girl. She was leaning against the wall unconscious with a small pool of blood on the ground around her form, He felt worry (that he hadn't felt since his mother became ill) well up inside him.


   Jotaro then realized that she still wasn't wearing any shirt and blushed a bit before taking one of his old black shirts from his dresser and gently putting it on her fragile form. He then took this time to take in her features. Luscious (H/C) hair, full pink lips, and rosy cheeks. She was perfect to him, unlike any other person he had ever met. A lone strand of her hair laid in front of her beautiful face, and he brushed it to the side, grazing his fingertips along her smooth skin. He silently scolded himself for liking a girl he didn't even know and removed his hand.

    He stood up straight again and watched as she started to stir. He pulled a cigarette out from the back pocket of his pants and brought it to his lips. He fumbled his hand into his other pocket to fetch his lighter and lit the cancer stick. The girl finally opened her eyes, squinting and lifting a hand to feel the bandage wrapped skillfully around her head. She blinked a couple times then turned her head to Jotaro.

     "U-um were you the o-one who helped me?", She stuttered to which Jotaro grunted as if saying yes. "O-oh Thank you! I-I owe you my life!", She tried to get up to bow but failed miserably and tripped into his arms. She instantly looked up at him with a bright blush and squeaked,"I-I'm so s-sorry!". All he did was turn his head with a slight blush of his own.'I-Is he blushing cause he's embarrassed or angry??!!', (Y/N) thought and realized she was still in his arms and pulled away.


Yeet this is unedited once again

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