See You Again(Jotaro Kujo x Reader) {Part 1}

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Sorry I really can't stop thinking about Jotaro XD soooo more Jotaro for ya

I like when the reader uses swears cause it reminds me of myself whenever I talk lol, help ;-;


    You were woken abruptly by the loud, blaring sound of the alarm. Aggravated, you slammed your hand against the source of the noise. You opened your eyes and looked over,'great I broke another alarm.'  Finally standing up, you groaned and streched, today was the first day of school. For you at least, you had just recently moved, alone to Japan from (Y/C).

    You walked over to your wardrobe and looked at the school outfit you had laid out the day before. You scoffed disgusted, a purple short sleeved shirt with a (F/C) ribbon and a purple skirt. You contemplated for a second, fuck it I ain't wearing this ugly ass shit. You grabbed a (F/C) jacket, black tank top, and black leggings and shuffled out of your night clothes. After putting on your new outfit, you went to the bathroom and brushed your hair and teeth. Your stomach grumbled and you went to the kitchen and found a box of pocky. (I love pocky so much,I couldn't help myself).

   You looked at the time and saw you had at least 10-15 minutes before school started. Stepping out the door,you took a bag of your things and locked the door. You walked slowly on the side walk, looking up at the sky. A good few minutes passed and you were close you the school. You heard the sounds of squeals and high pitched voices start to grow louder. A group of girls surrounding a tall figure wearing a black, modified gakuran came into view. You grew closer and closer and soon were trying to walk around them.

    You were suddenly bumped into a girl from the group. You grumbled and glared,"Watch where your going bitch!". The girl looked at you angrily,"How dare you call me that"."Yeah yeah, I don't give a fuck so move your fellow bitches aside so I can fucking walk", everyone was now looking at you, angry and shocked. Her hand raised and smacked your face. Even though it didn't hurt even one bit, you grew angrier, your hand formed into a fist and connected with her face, the force sending her backwards a good five feet (Your strong as fuck in this). The rest of the girls gasped and the girl arose shook on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes. You walked past them like nothing happened and resumed heading to the school.

----(Jotaro's POV)----

    Girls swarmed around me and squealed annoyingly. 'These bitches never go away...'. While trying to walk a sudden voice silenced them. "Watch where your going bitch!", a girl with (H/C) hair in a (F/C) sweater and black pants yelled. A girl from the group shouted back at her,"How dare you call me that!". The girl with the (H/C) hair brushed it off and responded back with anger,"Yeah yeah, I don't give a fuck so move your fellow bitches aside so I can fucking walk". The bitch slapped her and the girl raised her hand and punched her roughly in the face. She flew back from the force and cried. The whole crowd gasped and the girl walked off.

    "Jotaro! Did you see the way she treated me!", the girl who got punched cried and tugged on my arm. I growled and pushed her off,"You got what you deserved bitch". The girls continued to swarm me, but I paid no attention to them. Instead I watched the (H/C) haired girl walk away,'I hope I see her again.'

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