Him (Giorno Giovanna x Childhood Friend!Reader) {Part 2}

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    I'm back, sorry I didn't come back sooner, I really needed the time to think over some stuff.



    You heard footsteps behind you and you jumped, 'the other form' appearing in front of you protectively. Your eyes grew wide.



     "(Y-Y/n)?", his face were the same, but his hair was different. Instead of black hair, he had golden hair braided in a short tail, with three curls in a row over his forehead. He also wore a pink suit trimmed with gold, opened in the chest area in a heart shape. The collar had wing shaped emblems and three blue ladybugs were located on either side of his chest and one below his zipper. It was kind of odd but it suited him, complimenting his handsome features.

    Your stand had disappeared and you felt a tug at your heart,"I-it's been a while huh.", you shook this feeling off, chuckling. "Yeah, it really has. What are you doing here?", The question threw you more off guard and you struggled to come up with an answer. "H-heh, just ya know, living...", your words seemed to shock him,"You live on the streets?". Nodding hesitantly, you crossed your arms and played with the sleeves of your jacket.

    There was a some what awkward silence before he finally spoke,"Why don't we catch up and grab a bite to eat?"."Sure", hell, you weren't going to pass up food. And you felt a compulsion to stick with him, to stay by his side and care for him. He grabbed you by your hand, the rough feeling of his palm grazing the back of your hand sending a shiver up your spine and throughout your body. 

    Along the way, you both struck up a conversation, consisting of reflecting on the past, what you were both like as kids. Even though you were only talking, it sent a feeling of joy in to your veins. You didn't know why, but you yearned to see him over the years. You doubted you had feelings for him but the pounding of your heart when you thought of him told you other wise. Also along with the reoccurring dreams of fond moments with him as you were children.


There's definitely gonna be a part 3,  I just don't have the time to write it. It'll be longer than what I've been doing lately to make up for my breaks and shorter chapters. See you tomorrow my beautiful readers.

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