Close (Leone Abbacchio x Sick!Reader)

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    You guys never stop surprising me, 500 views ;v;. Y'all got me crying, to think that a book I made got 500 views. Again, you guys are amazing, I don't like people but you guys are the best!


    Abbacchio could always tell when there was something wrong. You two were very close, only as best friends though. You had feelings for him but you decided to tell him later, not having enough confidence, your brain thinking that he'd never like someone like you. Today, while the whole gang of Passione were hanging out at there usual restaurant, you sat beside him head lying on his shoulder, slightly clutching your stomach.

    You felt like absolute shit ever since you woke up, but you being the great person you were (Your Amazing), you didn't want to worry others so you acted like nothing was wrong. Everyone had already ordered there food, and it was currently being placed on the table by a waitress. You didn't order anything, not really having an appetite. The pain in your head was slowly increasing, it felt as if a hammer was being slammed into your head. Abbacchio looked at you, his facial features the same, but really he was worried. He noticed as you slightly winced, clutched your shirt in a fist, and coughed hard from time to time.

    You couldn't bare the pain anymore and stood up, excusing yourself from the group to go back home and rest. As you were walking out the door, everything started to spin, and the world got darker and darker every second. Abbacchio had kept a close on you as you left, immediately jumping out of his seat as he saw your staggering form. He caught you from your fall, and you looked at him with half-lidded eyes. "A-Abbac-cchio...", you groaned out and slipped out of consciousness, everything pitch black.

---(Abbaccio's POV)---

    (Y/N)'s form laid stiff in my arms as I brought her to my house. She was red and extremely warm. I finally made it to my house and quickly placed her onto my bed. I rushed to my bathroom, taking a rag and wetting it into cool water. I made my way back to her, and placed the rag  along her forehead. I rolled her pants up and sleeves, trying to cool her down in all ways possible.

    I hated seeing her like this, so sick she blacked out. She was so sweet and caring, always wanting to make sure everyone was okay, never wanting to worry others with how she was feeling. I placed my hand on her cheek, and leaned over, placing my lips onto her heated forehead.

---(Y/N)'s POV)---

    I slowly opened my eyes, with stiff limbs and lifted my hand to my head, feeling a wet rag on my forehead. Abbacchio sat on a chair beside the bed I was laying on, sleeping. I reached my hand towards his long white locks. I still felt bad, but knowing that Abbacchio was here with me made me feel a bit better. As I played around with his hair, he shifted and slowly looked up towards me. I brought my hand away awkwardly, not saying a word."How are you feeling?", he spoke in his deep voice and removed the rag from my forehead, resting his rigid hand on it."Like shit but I feel better than before".

    He stood up from his chair, still holding the rag. My arm shot up and caught the fabric of his dark overcoat. I clutched the fabric and looked up at him with weak eyes,"Thank you Abbacchio". He chuckled, ruffling my hair with one hand, and bent down to my level. I blushed from how close he was. His breath hit my face and he drew his face closer, before placing a soft peck onto my lips. I was shocked and stayed there motionless."Go rest some more", he told me and left, a smirk on his dark tinted lips, leaving me as bright as a tomato.


  Ya boi Abbacchio needed some loving!And finally a chapter that didn't grow shorter by like 400  words. Sorry if this was mad rushed. Cya!

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