The Beasts We Are Part 2

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Impulse POV

Having one eye wasn't that different. Sure it looked weird, but nothing felt different. I hadn't even noticed until Zed texted us and I checked.

That was an alarming way to start the day.

As I flew towards False's base, I met up with Tango. I didn't even notice what was different until he turned his head towards me.

He still had glowing red eyes, although they were brighter than usual. What was different however, were the two horns on his head.

"Hey." He smiled. He wasn't freaking out. Yay.

"Hi. You're looking different. New haircut?" I asked. He laughed.

"So. This is going to be weird." Tango remarked.

"What do you think will happen to the others?" I asked.

My friend shrugged. "I don't know. You're a cyclops. Zed's an elf. Stress and Grian have wings. Iskall, Mumbo, and Doc didn't mention."

"Plus there are the others." I added.

Tango sighed and we continued in silence.

Almost all of the Hermits were gathered at False's base. Stress, wings folded gently behind her back, was kneeling beside her alongside Joe.

It was a bit awkward for him as he was now a centaur.

Oh boy.

We met up with Zedaph, who was glad to see us.

"This is so weird!" He gasped, seeing Tango's horns.

We all agreed in that.

"Okay!" Doc's voice rose above the clamour. "Who's not here?"

Silence. Then.

"Mumbo's not here." Wels mentioned. He was a centaur too.

"X isn't either." Iskall spoke up. Small horns poked out of his head. A thin tail snaked out behind him. He was a devil.

"Or Wither." Jevin added. He was the same as before. Still a slime. Lucky.

Three of us missing. I started fidgeting around with a piece of scrap metal.

"TFC, Python, Biffa, Cub and Scar are offline." We all turned and faced X, as he entered. Wither was behind him. "And I told them not to come on until we figure this out."

I sighed with relief. Some of us are safe.

"So." Doc asked. He limped a bit as he walked. It was because he was a saytar. "What happened to you X?"

X shrugged and took off his helmet. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I wasn't expecting a halfhel. The skin on the left half of his face was warm grey, and the eye was red.

Most of us weren't used to halfhels; heck, most of us had only seen Wither's halfhel form once since he stayed human most of the time. It was weird seeing X that way.

Ren smiled faintly. He was normal. A bit jumpier than usual, but weren't we all?

"So. What caused all of this?" He asked.

Nobody could think of any reason why.

"Maybe it was Evil X." Iskall suggested.

X frowned. "It can't be, I banned him."

Iskall shrugged. "So?"

"That means he can't get on the server."

"What do you think I am, stupid?" Iskall laughed. "I know that. I'm just saying, you've banned him before. He's still come on."

X eyed Iskall coldly. "Are you doubting my abilities in keeping out unwanted intruders?"

"Yes. I am." Iskall shot back.

X walked over to face Iskall. Flames sparked around the Iskall's hands.

Ren stood up. "Whoa guys, take it easy."

I sat up. They looked like they were about to fight.

"It might not even be Evil X." Zed pointed out. They didn't listen.

X glared at Iskall. "I've been looking after the server for a long time. That's more than you can say."

"I haven't got an evil psychopathic clone of me, running around and messing up people's lives." Iskall retorted.

The admin went still. "Say that to my face." He growled.

Iskall was undaunted. "I did. Or is it your freak show brother's? They're hard to tell apart."

That did it.

X struck out at Iskall, punching him in the gut. It shouldn't have been that bad, but Iskall flew backwards into one of the pillars False had built.

Iskall stood up. Letting out a howl, he shot his hands out and flames erupted from them, shooting towards X.

"X!" I ran up and pushed X away from the fire. The flames engulfed me.

I heard the others freaking out. Tendrils of fire surrounded me.

"Iskall, stop!" I made out Grian's voice above the noise. The flames died.

Iskall was being held back by Doc and Ren. They had him pinned down to the ground. Frustration blazed in his eyes.

All the Hermits stared at me. "Impulse, are you okay?" Cleo asked.

I looked myself over. Nothing. No burns. Nothing to show I'd been in a fire.

"... I think so." I said shakily.

So I was fire proof. That's a nice bonus.

I sat back down beside Zed and Tango. Zed handed me something small.

"You dropped this." He whispered. I looked at it.

The piece of metal I'd had was now twisted into a little metal trident, with graceful curved edges, and sharp points. It was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand.

"How'd you do that?" Tango asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

I was saved from having to explain when Doc called everyone's attention.

"Okay, we still don't know where Mumbo is. Does anybody know where he might be?"

"I saw him when I was coming. He turned around and went back to his base though." Grian mentioned.

Doc nodded. "Okay. Grian, you and some others should go."

Tango raised his hand. "I'll go."

"Me too." Wither added.

"Same." X said, eyeing Iskall warily.

"Sounds good. Come back with him as soon as possible." Doc ordered.

The group disappeared into the night.

Doc turned to face the group. "Okay." He said. "We need to sort out what everyone is before somebody gets hurt-"

He was cut off as Ren yelped and collapsed. He fell to the floor, twitching and shuddering under the moonlight.


Doc knelt beside him. Zed and I rushed over too.

The hybrid went still. I felt his pulse. It was slow.

"What's going on?" Zed asked.

Doc fixed him with a pained look in his eyes. "I don't know."

Nothing was wrong with him. He'd just collapsed... Under the moonlight.

Realization dawned on me as his pulse speed up.

"Get back!" I yanked Zedaph away from Ren. Doc scrambled away too.

Ren opened his yellow, wolf-like eyes.

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