The Beasts We Are Part 5

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Author Note: Between soccer, busy weekends, and another thing I might want to do some venting on later, I have really been neglecting this story. Sorry.

Also, the Hermits have captured a werewolf and a vampire. What could possibly go wrong?


I groaned as I sat up. Where?...

I was laying in a bed in Falsey's base, sore, and tired. I didn't remember what had happened. Hadn't I just been outside... Oh. The memories came rushing back.

I'd turned into a werewolf. I'd tried to kill the others.

Doc walked up to me. His shoulder was wrapped in bandages, because of wounds I'd given him. I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked.

"I didn't want to do it." I mumbled. "I'm sorry."

Doc sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It's not you fault." 

Inside, I knew he was right. I'd tried to fight back, but nothing worked. I had to remain helpless as I attacked my best friends.

"I know. Whoever did this to us though..." I growled. We needed to get this fixed. It wasn't just a matter of oh I don't want wings, no. 

Now it was a matter of life and death.

Doc opened his mouth, but Grian interrupted him.

"You guys need to come. Now." He spoke hurriedly.

"What's the rush?" Doc snapped.

"Wither just figured out what happened to False and the rest of us. Now come on!"

"What happened to Mumbo?" I asked Doc on the way.

Doc checked to make sure Grian wasn't listening. "He became a vampire and attacked the others." He said quietly. "They had to knock him out, and use a lot of duck tape."

"Oh." I was quiet.

We got to the place where False was being looked after. She was still unconscious. Wither and X sat beside her.

"You're here." Wither sighed in releif. "Did Grian tell you?"

"Yeah." Doc replied. "But how?"

Wither shrugged. "I'll show you."

He placed his hands on our shoulders and the world went black.


I opened my eyes to find I was outside the shared storage system I had with False. She was there with Mumbo.

"Thanks for the help Mumbo." She said.

Mumbo smiled. "No problem." 

He was about to take off when something caught his eye. A dark figure wandering through the forest.

"Do you see that?" He asked False.

"Yeah. Should we follow it?" She answered.

The pair took off after the mysterious figure. It went through the shopping district, untill it got to the pickle shop. It placed its hand on the wall and a void of black opened up. The figure jumped through. So did False and Mumbo.

They emerged into a seemingly normal world. Green feilds, a few trees, sheep. The figure ran across the meadow, heading for a small wooden house. The Hermits followed.

They creaked the door open, and looked inside. The inside of the house was weird. Really weird. Wooden wall, yes, but that's where anything normal stopped. A huge black pillar with flashing green lights took up half the room. A small table was set up beside it, with a laptop on it.

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