The Beasts We Are Part 6

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Author Note: So, here we are. Another chapter. Yay. Plus, you're going to meet another of my characters, Asher. He's half dragon by the way. Just thought I should mention that.

On with the story!

Xisuma POV

Wither and I ran to the shopping district as cheetahs. The shapeshifting was cool, but tiring. And while it was a lot easier now that I'd gotten used to it, it still wore me out.

Plus the more I changed, the more likely I'd wake up one day as a mutant Chickenhampsterzilla. That's something to look forward to.

We got to the Statue of Hermity and changed back into halfhels. I walked up to the base of the monument, and placed my hand against the stone. A doorway opened up.

"How long has this been here?" Wither asked.

I grinned. "All season. Come on." We walked inside.

The two of us walked in silence for a minute. The tunnel opened up into a familiar place.

"Woah." Wither was at a loss for words seeing this amazing place.

"Welcome" I said. "To 0r3ohuB. Home of the author. And gateway to other servers."

"Are you forced to say that line each time you bring somebody here?" Wither asked.

"Yes I am." I responded. "Now come on."

We walked through the Hub. Green, grassy fields stretched as far as the eye could see. A forest with shimmering leaves lay to the left. To the right was a small pond. The sun shone cheerfully in the sky. And ahead of us, was a huge castle made entirely out of shimmering dark blue crystal.

"So why did we need to come here?" Wither asked me as we got to the door.

I knocked on the dark wooden doors. "The only way to get to the code is to get permission from Oreo, the Author."

Wither nodded as the door opened, revealing a young man. His skin was warm brown, and his short hair was dark. But he had gold eyes. And small dark green horns protruding from his head.

I walked up to him. "Hey Asher. We need to see Oreo."

Asher shook his head. "Sorry, but Oreo's still trying to figure out how to fix the servers."

I frowned. "Servers, as in more than Hermitcraft?"

He nodded. "The virus is spreading. So unless you can fix it-"

"We can." Wither cut in. "We just need to see Oreo."

"He's right." I agreed.

Asher glanced behind him, then sighed. "Alright. But if one of you gets blasted to smithereens, it's not my fault."

He led us inside. After wandering the halls for a bit, Asher stopped beside a set of doors. He took out a key, and openedthe door.

Inside, there was a desk with a laptop on it. Sitting in the chair, was Oreo.

Oreo looked up. "What is it?"

I stepped up to the desk. "Oreo, we can fix the bug. We just need to get to the code."

The Author's head shot up. "You can? That's great!"

He dug into his pocket, pulled out a key, and tossed it to Asher. "Use this on door B6. I would go, but I've got work to do."

I turned the laptop towards me. "These... Are story ideas?"

Oreo went a bit red. "Well, yeah. I've got to keep Hermitcraft interesting, now don't I?"

I read a few of the things. "What do you mean by a oneshot about how Ren got the suit?"

Oreo grabbed the laptop out of my hands. "Nothing." 

"What suit?" I asked.

"Oh, no suit. Just something Ren's been hiding that needs to be revealed."

I looked back at Wither, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Just a little advice for the future by the way. X, people are going to need you. Be ready to help at any time, because it could mean the difference between life and death." Oreo said. I shuddered.

"And Wither. You think you can't find it, but you have. It's been around you ever since you got to Wattpad. Don't lose hope, people will help when you need it."

I glanced at Wither, who looked shaken.

"Anyways, you should get going. Save the server! I have complete faith in you two." Oreo cheered. 

"Do you actually?" Wither asked.

"Nope! But good luck!"

Asher led us out of the room, leaving Oreo to work on new ideas for how to make our lives miserable.


I walked around False's base. Ren had gone outside already to wait for when he changed. I had nothing to do, so I'd gone to check on Mumbo, make sure he wasn't trying to get out.

We'd ended up putting him in a closet, and barring the door. He'd been awake then, and had fought us off. Even tied up, the vampire that took over Mumbo was stronger than us.

Somebody, I think Stress, finally managed to hit him in the head with the hilt of her sword. During the time he was unconscious, a few of us had dragged him down to the bottom of False's base.

Turning the corner, I saw splinters on the floor, with a piece of wood laying in the middle. A sickening feeling entered my stomach.

I ran, and got to the door where we'd put Mumbo. The wood had been kicked down, leaving shattered pieces of wood in the middle of the hall. Discarded duck tape lay in the room. 

Panicking, I fumbled for my phone and messaged everybody online.



I sighed as I sat down outside. The lead hung heavy around my neck. The sun was slowly setting.

Out of nowhere, Mumbo was standing in front of me.

Oh no, god no. I reached for my sword, then realized I didn't have it. I'd left it inside in case I tried to break free while changing. I had no way of defending myself from the vampire.

Mumbo walked closer to me, hunger lighting his gaze. The virus reached for his sword.

I pounded on the door. "GUYS, MUMBO'S HERE, HURRY."

The vampire sliced the air with his blade, but I was uninjured. I looked at the lead, dread filling me. 

Mumbo had cut the rope and was walking away.

"No!" I lunged for him, but pain overtook me, forcing me to the ground. I tried to fight back as the moon rose over Hermitcraft.

No... Got to... Stop... Mumbo.

Those were the last words to enter my mind before the virus took effect, and I started changing into a werewolf.

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