The Beasts We Are Part 9

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We ran through the forest, away from the vampire. Between branches in the way, and the fact that it was the middle of the night, we couldn't get very far.

"We have to get back to the road." Tango panted as we ran.

"This way!" Iskall took the lead and led us down a narrow path.

I could hear Mumbo behind us, hunting us down. Moving through the bush inhumanly.

It was all a game. The vampire could kill us whenever he wanted. He was toying with us.

We followed Iskall for a few minutes before I realized that him taking the lead probably wasn't the best idea.

But Iskall prevailed, and successfully got us back to the path in one piece. More or less.

My robotic arm was still crushed from Ren, but aside from that we weren't really injured.

"Are we all okay?" Impulse asked. I nodded, still out of breath from the run.

Mumbo walked onto the path, a scowl on his face.

"You Hermits are really starting to annoy me." he hissed.

"We get that a lot." I shot back.

The vampire growled, and raised his hand towards the sky. Dozens of bats flew down from the sky. As they landed, their forms changed into those of panther-like creatures, with glowing red eyes.

The vampire smirked. "Fortunately for me, the Higher One gave me an army to dispose of you."

The Higher One? Was the vampire under orders to mess with us? Thoughts filled my mind.

I didn't have much time though, because the creatures pounced at us.

I raised my sword just in time to stop one from killing me. Without the use of my mangled arm, it was harder to hold my weapon.

Tango ran up and kicked the thing off of me. "Thanks." I muttered. He nodded in response.

Us four Hermits fought back to back, but we were outnumbered. There were too many monsters.

I lashed out at one as it tried to jump on Impulse. It turned around and clawed my good shoulder. It burned like fire. Iskall killed the thing, but not before another lept at him.

Tango noticed. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I lied. "Just give me a minute-"

I didn't have a minute. One of the monsters swiped at me, and it's paw hit the side of my head. I was knocked to the ground, landing in a dazed heap.

But the others couldn't get to me. They were trying not to die as well.

Something caught Iskall's attention. "Doc, look out!"

The vampire drew his trident and stepped closer to me, a sadistic and pained look in his eyes. It was creepy seeing this look on Mumbo's face.

"This job is easy. I don't know why Meat Face had such a hard time killing you guys." he sneered.

He knew about Meaty.

Mumbo raised the trident, and I yelled in rage.

A huge wave of energy erupted from me, and panic filled the enemy ranks. Fear filled Mumbo's eyes. All the monsters turned and fled, tails between their legs.

Mumbo had been knocked back by the force of it, and was kneeling a few meters away from me, his eyes flickering from the vampire's eyes to his normal ones.

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