The Beasts We Are Part 10 (Finale)

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Author  Note: You having virus problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a vamp ain't one.


Tango POV

Everybody was back to normal and awake by noon. For most of us, nothing had really changed. Some of us were even missing our old abilities.

But for people like Mumbo and Ren, it was sweet relief.

Me? I hadn't really been affected, so I couldn't complain. And it was cute to see Grian run and hug Mumbo after being reunited.

There was other businesses to attend to though. We had to deal with the vampire. Doc, Xisuma and I were interrogating him.

We walked into the room where we were keeping the vampire, in Cleo's base. He was tied up in the corner, a dull look in his yellow eyes.

His head shot up as we entered. "Well well. Finally you show up." He snarked.

I sighed. "Let's just get this over with. Who are you, and what do you want?"

"Why should I tell you?" He snarled.

"Okay, this isn't working." Doc grabbed a small package and started opening it. "But we got this from Fantasy, who said to use it against the vampire." He pulled a wooden stake out and the vampire hissed.

"Okay, I'll talk, I'll talk." He eyed the stake warily. "I'm a servant of the Higher One, sent here to destroy you." 

Doc gripped the stake harder.

"Don't get testy on me Hedge." The vampire shook his head. "You want information, right?"

The creeper grumbled and loosened his grip.

"Who is the Higher One, and what does he want with us?" X asked.

The vampire laughed. "The Higher One is only the most powerful bring in the world. He has many servants, many people to do his bidding. And he's also set on destroying Hermitcraft."

So he's no different from any other baddies we've met. I thought, but I kept my mouth shut.

"How do you know Meaty?" I asked, wanting to know more.

The vampire sighed. "Meat Face, is one of those servants I talked about. We erased his memories except for one thing. Kill the Hermits. But he was always weak. There are many who are stronger than him."

"You call Meaty weak?" Doc asked incredulously.

"Yes, I do. I've seen Nakuma take him down in a heartbeat, and don't get me started on Quiesco."

X was writing down all the names. "I think we're done here." He sighed. "Now that the virus is cleared-" he stopped, seeing the vampire quietly laughing. 

"What's so funny?" Doc snapped.

"Nothing." The vampire looked up at us. "Just that the virus... Has already damaged the code. You can't get rid of the whole thing."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You can't do anything about it, but some of you pathetic Hermits will still be affected. The downworlder mutt? He'll keep changing, only at the full moon though."

"Wait what?" X dropped the pen he was holding.

Fear grew inside of me, but I still managed to ask. "You use Shadowhunter terms?"

The vampire barked a laugh. "Shadowhunters, please. Where do you think the terms come from?"

"Anyways." Doc glared at me. "What else won't change?"

The vampire just laughed at him. "Cool it cabrito, will you? You just have to figure that out on your own." He sighed and lay back. "And now you guys have to do one more thing."

"Kill me."

We were all quiet. "Why?" Xisuma asked.

"You don't me around anymore, right?" The vampire shrugged. "I just want you to kill me."

"It can't be that simple." I muttered, but the vampire shook his head.

"No catches, no hooks. Just kill me." 

We let Doc do the honours, as he was the one with the stake.

I stood outside the room with X.

"What does this all mean?" I asked.

He looked at me, dread filling his eyes. "That we're in a lot of trouble my friend."

Time skip, brought to you by the pickle shop. Yes, there's a store for pickles. Dill with it.

"Okay guys, could you listen..." Xisuma's voice died off, as none of the Hermits were listening. Doc stepped up beside him.

"OI! LISTEN HERE." He yelled. Everybody went quiet. X cast a wry look at the hybrid.

"Thanks... Anyways. We managed to get some information out of the vampire." He explained. This caught everybody's attention.

"The vampire was working for someone called the Higher One. He also sent Meaty to Wattpad." Doc, Ren, Grian, Mumbo, and Wither all glanced uneasily at each other.

"It also said, that some of us will have permanent side effects from the virus. He only said one of them, but it's bad enough." I chipped in. "Ren's gonna keep turning into a werewolf, but only at full moon, and that's only one thing out of so many possible others."

Unrest stirred among the Hermits.

"If anybody finds out about something, tell the others. We're facing a bigger threat than we anticipated. This, Higher One, wants us dead. He has a lot of henchmen, and is going to try and wipe us out." X straightened up a bit more. "Keep an eye out for anything unusual.

We may have won the battle, but we haven't won the war."

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