The Beasts We Are Part 3

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The list of species is here!

Doc-Saytar                 Joe-Centaur             Iskall-Devil              

Ren-Unknown         Jevin-Unchanged   Xisuma-Halfhel

Grian-Harpy              Zedaph-Elf                Tango-Demon

Stress-Boread          Impulse-Cyclops    Cleo-Unchanged

Mumbo-Unknown  Wels-Centaur          Wither-Unchanged


I think I got all of them. Tell me otherwise.

Tango POV

Impulse was fireproof, Iskall could make fire, X was unnaturally strong. Just a few more things to add to my list of weird things that happened that happened today.

Ahead of me, Wither and X were talking.

"We're also inhumanly strong." Wither explained. "You have to keep it in check."

"What about the shapeshifting?" X asked.

"That doesn't happen much on its own. It you change a lot, like I do, it will happen accidentally. Once I woke up as a ChickenHampsterLizard."

I laughed at Xisuma's face.

"Can you show us what that looks like?" I asked.

Wither grinned. He changed into a small hampster, with chicken wings, and a lizard head.

Except for X, we all burst out laughing.

X sighed. "This is going to be a long few days."

Wither changed back into a human. "Don't worry though. That won't happen to you. You only change accidentally if you get scared or nervous. And you can't stay in one shape without going back to this form for long, or it will exhaust you too much."

X nodded, still looking uneasy about the whole Chickzilla thing.

We quieted as we got closer to Mumbo's base. I'd never thought of his base as threatening, but now it seemed pretty ominous. The Bumbo, which always added some humour to the sphere, now seemed to watch us.


We landed beside his storage system.

"Mumbo?" Grian called. His voice echoed throughout the build. "Are you here?"

Nobody answered.

We walked around the base for a bit, looking for the moustached man himself. But he didn't respond.

"Mumb-" I stopped. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow flicker before retreating.

I nudged Grian. "I saw him." I said, pointing down to where I'd seen him.

We glided silently down. It was dark down here. Really dark.

"Mumbo?" Grian whispered.

"Go away." Mumbo's hoarse voice came through the darkness.

"Mumbo." Grian stepped closer to the voice. "We're here to help you. Come out."

"I said go."

I pulled out a lantern and placed it on the ground.

Mumbo sat as far away as he could from us. He was pale, with yellow tinted eyes. He looked at us warily.

Nothing looked very different about him. Maybe he hadn't changed either.

"Go." He croaked.

Grian stared at his friend.

"Why?" He asked.

"Whatever happened with the others, happened to me too. I don't want to hurt you."

"How could you hurt us?" Grian asked.

Mumbo shied away. "Just... Go. Don't come back unless you can fix it."

Wither ducked his head. "Let's go." I walked out with Wither and X. Grian stayed.

"Grian. Let's go." I said. He kept looking at Mumbo.


He remained where he was.

"I'm not going back without you Mumbo." He said.

Mumbo stared at him. "Yes, you are."

Grian shook his head. "No, I'm not." He walked towards Mumbo.

"Grian, don't!" X called.

Mumbo drew his sword and lunged, swiping at Grian. The builder jumped back surprised.

"Grian!" I ran up, pulling out my own sword. Mumbo struck again, and I intercepted with my own.

"Get out Grian!" I hissed. He scrambled away.

I looked up at Mumbo. He used his free hand and punched me. I've sparred with Mumbo before. He's good, yes. Not the greatest ever, but good.

This was like all the skill he had before amplified. The breath was knocked out of my chest as I flew backwards.

I stood up as Mumbo approached me. A hungry gleam lit his gaze, and he bared his teeth. The canines were pointed and sharp.

Mumbo lashed out, and didn't miss. The blade grazed my arm. Not enough to hurt, but enough to bleed. Dark, blood leaked out, soaking my sleeve.

He knocked me down to the ground.

The pained, wild look in his eyes was awful. "You should have left." He whispered.

He raised the blade above me.

Something hit him in the back of the head. Mumbo crumpled to the ground. Behind him, was a gorilla.

I thought it was Wither, until it melted back into the shape of X.

The actual Wither grabbed Grian by the shoulders.

"You idiot!" He hissed. "I was going to tell you after we left that X and I could stay back while you two went back."

"How would you have stayed hidden?" Grian asked.

Wither let himself change back to Halfhel form.

"Oh." Grian kept his eyes on Mumbo.

I knelt down beside Mumbo. He seemed alright, aside from being knocked out by a gorilla.

"What should we do?" I asked.

Wither pulled out some duck tape. Smart guy.

"Let's bring him with us." He said. "It's better than leaving him here."

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