65. Awe

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Whenever you smile,
it lights up my world
like the twinkle of stars
so up and above.

It makes me wonder
of the blessings I have,
the love I wanted
and now finally have.

Whenever you smile,
it lights up my heart,
its beats so ticklish
yet fonder than none.

Against your chest,
hearing you sigh,
it lullabies me
into a bliss of stun.

Whenever you smile,
you hold my breath,
my mind so grateful
for you who He made.

For everything allied,
all my life,
you are the one
I've been trying to find.

Whenever you smile,
I close my eyes,
picturing you
through the depths of my sight.

For every wonder
the world has,
you have my awe
at my heart's precipice.

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