86. Ignorance

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We walk around each day
so high and proud of ourselves,
set out to achieve our day's task
so endlessly at bay.

As we walk around the block,
we notice a lot of strays,
how often do we stop along the way
and save the poor thing from preys?

Some may say we were
pressed for time,
some say it was crime,
in either way eyes are turned
and ignorance now thrives.

For we only stop when our world is out
on fire and left in cries,
it's only then the wall is down
of ignorance and lies.

Then we say the world is harsh,
it does not stop for thine,
but when did that ever stop you first
even for a mile?

Pick up the sock and slow it down,
the world is not your shrine,
everyone is to live it down
in unity defined.

Topsy turvy schedules go
they need not mean the end
push the wall of ignorance down
and set off for a mend.

Because the world is lacking one
it need not be confine,
a nobel task in truly hour
you may one day soon shine.

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