80. Aggression

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The mind often wonders
what eggs it on the most -
the tone of the aggressive lover
or the empathy of a dispassioned

Both so alike, so futile,
creating within tornadoes of ash piles,
words imprinted like a scalding wound
of moments that were treated as
passions rile.

Yet the mark of an aggressor
is often born within, years of silence
and tolerance treating it wild,
until one day it tames the teacher,
and thus is born in the student
the demon of the night.

And then it starts the process in a circle - with the dispassioned stranger
always so empathetic,
until the seeds of confidence are sown,
and the perpetrator is left ecstatic.

It all comes down to the very moment
where the tame teacher is killed
in muffled silence,
and rampant grows the student's
aggression, until the teacher is
blamed for circumstances.

The excuse is always the same,
the reason even more so to blame,
and that was why aggression is so dearly embraced,
because it can be hidden under many names.

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