Chapter 24

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Joseph got better and was able to work, Rocky wasn't really wanted to be there but Juliette made sure she was welcome and can ask anything. Renny have been staying for almost two weeks, same goes for Flynn who decided to stay a week later.
Elijah didn't get to speak with Juliette about the news, the discovery that Victor is King. He didn't know how but he has to tell her before anything else.

Margaret was not so happy about having Rocky staying with them, they had to lie that Rocky is Renny's sister, which didn't set well with Margaret. Juliette made her behave around the girl, Rocky spend her time outside, up in the trees as the days went on. Juliette stayed outside with Renny, watching Rocky as always.

"How's having a child with the hubby? I mean D has a point. Having Rocky around could help you practice for the future with mini Juliette and mini Elijah."

"I'm not thinking about that. Not when things are rocky between us. Not doing so good."

"You haven't told me anything while I've been gone. What's up, Red?"

"He went to see Cassandra when we first came back from District 40. He went to tell her that he's choosing me over her."

"That's good, right? I mean, he's picking you then her."

"He dropped the bomb on me that they kissed. He didn't pulled away and almost slept together."

"What? Damn Red. You know I can beat him up for you, right?"

"Yeah I know. But he said he stopped before doing something he'll regret. I slapped him and I was hurt because he went there to tell her that he's married and he's with me. But I was angry because of this marriage I can't get out of."

"What happened next? I mean you gave him a chance to explain right? Or did you just leave it at that?"

"He explained that they didn't doing anything. He didn't sleep with her but I didn't believe him. He told me the truth but I just didn't believe him. But I looked at his eyes and he said he didn't. Deep down I didn't believe him but I don't know, something told me to believe in him because he was telling the truth."

"What do you think? Do you believe him or not?"

"I believed him. And then... I made him show me how much he wants me, we kissed and..."

"No way! You finally did it? Red that's..."

"We didn't do it. We kissed which was fine, he was pulling my pants down when he had his hands on my underwear, I stopped him. Because I wasn't ready nor know where my feelings are with him. I couldn't do it."

"I don't quite understand what you mean because I lost my virginity when I was 12."


"What? It's true. Look I mean not know what it's like not to be ready but you did the right thing. Take it from me, I didn't wait, I was stupid and young. But with you, you don't want your first time to be in fear or not being ready. Take your time because you can never take it back. I wished I waited but that's life."

"Do you wish you could take it back? Take back your virginity until your really ready for the one you trust."

"Sometimes but honestly, I do think about it. I lost it to this one kid who I had a crush on. D knows who it was."

"Was it Shay?"

"No not him. I did like him but I was with someone else, you heard the name Blue by D."

"Is he your boyfriend when you were younger?"

"Yeah he was. He was the one who gave me hope that I can get out of that place. Not just him but D as well. Shay wasn't so keen about me leaving but damn I needed to get out of there. I hated going home, I hated dealing with my mother's boyfriend, that bastard. You have that twinkle in your eye, you want me to tell you?"

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