Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes.  Everything was blurry.  I tried to bring my hands up to rub my eyes but they were tied behind my back.  I tried to twist but it sent such a horrific pain up my back that I lay still again panting.  I lifted my head and looked around.  I was in some sort of hut made of stone with a straw roof.  There was one window high in the wall and a heavy bolted wooden door.  I looked down at my legs, they were tied together too, I tried to move them and cried out again in pain, remembering what had happened.  The pain in my back suddenly, Rey screaming, had I been shot? Just then a noise outside the hut made me stop, my heart pounding and then the door was opened and Finn walked in, his face cold. "Where's Rey?" I asked, trying to look past him, he came in and kicked my side making me groan in pain, "Never you mind where Rey is.  She may see Ben Solo when she looks at you but I still see Kylo Ren, the man who murdered thousands."  I lowered my gaze, I knew what he was saying was true but for some reason I hated to hear it said out loud.  "Did you shoot me?" I asked lifting my eyes to his.  Finn nodded, "Couldn't have you trying to save the day again.  Poe has a bomb on board his x-wing and right now it is probably blowing a huge hole in your base, and taking all your friends with it", I lay quietly absorbing the news.  I should have felt something but I didn't, instead I felt numb, "I have no friends.  Where did you get an x-wing and a bomb from?", Finn raised his eyebrows, "Firstly, I can fully get why you have no friends and secondly, none of your damn business".  With saying that he kicked me again and left, locking the door behind him and leaving me curled up in a ball wincing in pain.

I wasn't sure how long it was before the door opened again but when it did Poe stood there with Finn.  Finn stayed at the door and Poe came in and crouched in-front of me, a cocky smile on his face, "Oh dear look at the golden boy now.  I have just blown your precious base into a billion pieces so now you have nowhere to go and no one to help you either, what do you think of that?".  I looked at him but didn't speak.  "Do you know that you have a blaster shot to your back, it's been quite a few hours now since it happened and that's really going to want medical treatment or it's going to get infected and" Poe pulled his lips into a sulky pout, "you could die.  Shame we don't have any medical supplies here".  I remained silent as Poe began to laugh and then he stood, kicking me twice more in my side. I bit my lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had hurt me and then they left and I was alone again on the cold stone floor.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken sometime later by someone whispering my name.  I lifted my head but then dropped it again, wincing in pain.  And then the voice was right in my ear.  It was Rey, she had force bonded with me.  I felt her hand on my head, stroking my hair and then I could feel her lips on my cheek, "Ben, Ben are you ok? Thank god I found you" she said, "I'll try to untie you" I felt weak, unable to respond to her but I felt her hands gently working on the ropes.  The one from my hands fell to the floor and then she released my legs and I felt her arms around me, trying to sit me up.  I cried out in pain and I felt her arms lower me back down again, her lips on my cheek again and then she was laid in front of me, our faces inches apart.  I looked weakly in her eyes, "Where are you Rey" I managed.  She smoothed my hair, her sweet face slick with tears.  "Finn, Poe and the others have locked me and Leia in the Falcon, I'm trying to over ride the switch now, we still have Chewy with us so he's helping.  He wouldn't leave Leia. Oh Ben I need to get you out of there, Finn shot you, you need your wound cleaning.  Hold on, just hold on, I will be with you, oh Chewies done it! Ben we're coming!" And suddenly the connection was lost and I was alone again with my pain.

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