Unrequited - Roman x Reader

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(A/N) As promised, here is the updated version for all readers!

(Warnings: Roman Pouting, Slimy Boi, Unrequited Love, Tears, Angst, Sadness, Sucky Writing, Probably Typos)

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(Warnings: Roman Pouting, Slimy Boi, Unrequited Love, Tears, Angst, Sadness, Sucky Writing, Probably Typos)

{Your POV}

    It was Roman and I's last date before I needed to go away to college, he swore that he would always come to visit his darling love, but I couldn't having him show up at my dorm everyday. I needed to focus too.

    I was going into The University of Florida to study architecture, and when I told Roman, though he was proud of me, he was pouting the whole time I was looking for a dorm room. He didn't like being away from me for a WEEK. I'm not sure how he would handle a whole semester. But, we came up with a compromise, we would Skype every night, and he would come to visit ONCE a month.

    It took him a while to agree to this, especially when he was whining and doing that adorable pouty face. His only condition was that he got to take me on one last date before school starts. So that's how I ended up here, on a picnic blanket in the park. Roman sitting beside me, opening a bottle of champagne.

    I would never tell Roman this, but I'm kind of glad that I'm finally going to college. Now I don't have to listen to my parents (or Logan) complain about me not going to college. I was 18 when my parents started pushing me to go to university, but I needed a few years to figure out what I wanted to do.

    Now, at 23, I finally figured out what I wanted to study, and I couldn't be happier. The only thing that could ruin my mood, is the thought of having to leave my boyfriend of 2 years. But I'm trying not to think about that, this was our day.

    I held out my glass, as Roman poured some of the alcoholic fizzy beverage in my champagne glass. I sipped just a bit, and then placed it between my legs. I'm surprised Roman didn't bring a horse, like he did on our first date. I suppose over the years I convinced him to tone it down, but still, he seemed like he had something big planned this time.

    "So, my love," Roman started "There is something we must speak about."

    I looked up at him, too busy looking at the ways my thighs got bigger when I sat down.

    Roman raised an eyebrow, then scooted over to me. My eyes widened in surprise, as he grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me into his lap.

    "(Y/N) darling, are you marveling over your lovely appearance, because I know I am." Roman said softly, using his thumb and forefinger to lift my chin up to look at him.

    I shook my head softly, he seemed to get the idea.

    "(Y/N), if I had a million beautiful people in a room, and then you walked in, they would all burst out in tears over how gorgeous you are." He said, muttering a bit at the end of the sentence.

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