Cuddling With Deceit Would Include

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-Let me start off by saying, this boy is the BIGGEST cuddler.

-Like, you wouldn't even see it coming, you would just be lying in bed one day...

-And here comes the snek boi himself.

-He would just pull the covers off of you, and wrap his arms around you, while burying his face into your neck.

-He would just pull the covers off of you, and wrap his arms around you, while burying his face into your neck

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-You have to yell at him before he takes his frickin hat off first.

-That chiz HURTS man.

-He just kinda lays there for a bit, while you softly work your fingers through his hair.

-De with press the ball of his nose right under your jawline, and find your pulse.

-The warm breath kinda tickles, but you allow it.

-Soon, it's like 7 pm, and you just wasted more of your day in bed cuddling.

-He's the master of deception.

-Curse him.

-When it's NIGHTTIME however, that's when he get's more...


-Don't ever tell him that though, because last time you did, he threw you off the bed.


-He knows you need to get back home, but he pulls you into his chest, and whispers for you to stay.

-He knows you need to get back home, but he pulls you into his chest, and whispers for you to stay

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-How can you resist his devious charm?

-Exactly, you can't.

-And that's why you're late to work 5 days a week...

-Curse him.. again.


-But no joke, this boy will cuddle you ANYWHERE.

-Like legit, he has a problem.

-Once, just this one time, Virgil walked in on you two.

-Deceit RAN after that raccoon boi.

-Virgil was never the same...

-My point is, doesn't matter what time it is, or what day. De will make sure you NEVER feel like you're not getting enough attention.

(A/N) I am on a writing streak today... don't get used to it though.

Thomas Sanders & Sanders Sides (Imagines and Headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now