Virgil Having a Non-Binary S/O Would Include

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- You met because you were a pretty successful YouTuber, and Thomas wanted to collab.

- So when you showed up at Thomas's, Virgil didn't really want to really interact.

-He an anxious boi.

-But then he saw you and he was like

-"holy cRap hOLy CRap HoLY CRAP-"

-Needless to say he was very blushy and stuttery the entire time you guys were recording.

-The video was on Pride, seeing as it just turned pride month.

-You were sharing your story about the bullying you received in school and just not feeling included anywhere.

-Not gonna lie, Virge ovah here got a bit emotional.

-So after the outro, you walked over to him and was all like,

-"Hey, are you okay?"

-And Virgil just frickin-


-Into tears.

-He was very... upset.

-Not in a bad way, and he made sure you knew that.

-He was embarrassed now tho, cause everyone was looking at him.

-So he just kinda...

-Sorta kinda...


-You went after him, and asked him what was up, but he just was so red and you felt so bad.

-You started dating soon after that ;)

-He is VERY protective over you.

-Like, he's the FIRST one to correct if anyone ever uses the wrong pronouns.

-He's not mad or anything, he just doesn't want you to be uncomfortable any longer than you need to be.

-If anyone used your old pronouns on PURPOSE.

-OOhhh boy, they are IN for it.

-Virgil will kinda give them the eyes, and shake his head, hoping they get the message.

-If they don't back up after that, he'll give them a not so subtle conversation about just being accepting towards others.

-Good luck trying to tell him to take it down a notch...

-Cause THAT ain't happening.

-He takes you on a lot of movie dates.

-He always let's you order like the JUMBO container of popcorn.

-And to that, you are grateful.

-I honestly don't think it matters to him what movie it is, as long as he gets to look at your face in a dark room so you can't catch him staring.

-He knows it's kinda creepy.

-He just thinks you're VERY attractive.

-Over all, your comfort means the most to Virgil.

-And he wouldn't let ANYONE make you feel uncomfortable. ;)

(A/N) So let me explain myself, I know I said I would be doing a imagine instead of a headcanon. Me, being a female, didn't think I could properly represent readers who are non-binary in detail. I would never want to say something that was offensive, so I felt like a headcanon was the best way to solve this. I hope you enjoyed regardless, and felt represented. :)

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