Dating Patton Would Include

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-Cuddles in the morning.

-Cuddles at night.

-Cuddles on the couch.

-Cuddles in the kitchen when you're trying to figure out if eating a whole jar of Nutella would be beneficial to your health and or weight.

-"I think you're beautiful even if you gain a few extra pounds cupcake, so if you want to eat all of that, I support you."

-He calls you cupcake.

-I kid you not.

-"Hey cupcake, could you please get this creepy crawly death eater out of my room?"

-Little did he know you were also afraid of spiders.

-So you guys would just hug each other until Virgil got up to help.

-He would just kinda smirk at Patton who had flung himself into your arms.

-You ALSO looked terrified and were holding Patton so hard that it might break a bone.

-Virgil likes to poke fun at you too.

-You don't really care, because you and Patton are to sickeningly in love to care about anyone's opinions.

-He doesn't get jealous often.

-You're not sure if it's because he's too....

-Caught up in his buttercream and cuddle filled life to notice.


-If it's because he just doesn't like paying attention to it.

-If the person getting close to you is VERY persistent though,

-You might see him start to pout, but then smile when he sees you staring.

-Even if you BEG him to tell you what's wrong,

-He probably wont.

-UNTIL you're trying to sleep.

-Then he'll kinda poke at you in bed, and whisper in your ear,

-"You still love me, right?"

-Poor baby needs some reassurance.

-He will also be the only side NOT to complain if you want to watch "chick flicks".

-You know, the cheesy romantic ones, usually about vampires or something.

-You wouldn't think Roman would complain, but he always prefers Disney movies, you know, ones with more songs and less cheating.

-But Patton actually gets into it.

-You sometimes need to tell him to chill, cause he likes to shout at the TV.

-"Oh Elena, I know you love Stephan but Damon loves you too! Yes, he might have sucked the blood of the innocent but you two have a SPARK!"

-He likes baking.

-So expect to gain a few more pounds when you guys start dating.

-Cookies, cakes, and cupcakes are all things he likes to make with you.

-That's actually what you spent your first date doing.

-You had somehow managed to get frosting all over your nose while trying to frost cupcakes.

-Patton kissed the pink buttercream off of your nose.

-"I think I'll call you cupcake now!"

-This time it wasn't the sugary frosting that made your face pink. ;)

-Regardless, Patton would be one of the most mushy ooey gooey sweet boyfriend you could ever have.

-And that's all you could really ask for, huh?

(A/N) Would you guys be interested in reading a headcanon for all of the CONS of dating the sides or Thomas? Let me know.

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