Sleeping - Virgil x Reader

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(Warnings: Creepy Virgil, Possessiveness, Stockholm Syndrome, Sadness, Angst, Not For Sensitive Readers)

(Warnings: Creepy Virgil, Possessiveness, Stockholm Syndrome, Sadness, Angst, Not For Sensitive Readers)

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{Virgil's POV}

    They always looked so beautiful when they were sleeping...

    I met them when Thomas was looking around a book store, looking for that one Harry Potter book that Patton refused to give back. They were sitting in the corner, with an over-sized sweater on, and a mug of something warm in their lap.

    Thomas naturally assumed that he could just go up and ask them where to find the Harry Potter books, seeing as they were reading Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. They mumbled something shyly, and pointed over to a large bookcase by the window. Thomas smiled and happily said thanks, as he went to go look for the book.

    There was something... captivating about them.

    The way their eyes shined as they read a certain sentence that made them grin a toothy smile. Oh, their smile was amazing. They kept stopping to pull the sleeves of their sweater over their hands.. and they would pick back up where they left off.

    They must have noticed me staring, because I wasn't really doing anything to hide. They must have been the shy type, because instead of being offended of creeped out, they blushed, and tried to hide their face with their book.

    That wasn't happening.

    I sat down in the chair next to them, and held out my hand.

    "My name is Virgil." I said, usually I'm the shy type myself, but something about them changed me.

    "(Y/N)." They mumbled, obviously not too fond of people staring at them, and then trying to talk to them. I wasn't put off, because I'm usually the same way.

    "Was that guy your brother or something?" (Y/N) asked "You guys look like twins."

    "Yeah, something like that." I said, smiling softly.

    We talked for a while, until Thomas came back with the book in a shopping bag. I gave them my number, and told them to text me later, they seemed surprised by my boldness. I'm not sure they were used to getting someones number only minutes after meeting them. But there was something special about them... something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

    Over the next few weeks, I was texting them everyday. They didn't seem too bothered by it, they even told me that they didn't have many friends, and appreciated me making the first move. I started drawing them, even though I hadn't seen them since I met them at the book shop, I still distinctly remembered what they looked like.

    The pictures were hung on my wall, and sometimes I would look at them before I went to sleep. I soon asked them on a date, and they hesitantly said yes, maybe they were just nervous about going on a date with someone they just met. I didn't feel like that, I felt like I had known them forever.

    Soon that one date turned to 7, and I finally asked them to be my partner. (Y/N) soon got caught up in work and what not, hating to be away from me any longer than they had to. I convinced them to quit their job, and they agreed happily. I promised I would pay for all of their things.

    Unfortunately, their neighbors grew suspicious, and called the cops because "they were afraid I was manipulating them." Of course, I had to make sure that they weren't around to interrupt us. I payed for (Y/N) to get a house at least 5 minutes away from me, I didn't need nosy neighbors ruining what we had.

    When the cops showed up at Thomas's to ask him where I was. He came up with a clever cover up, I must admit.

    Even though I might get caught, I knew that I needed to see them again. Everything else went fuzzy when they weren't there, I forgot how to eat, sleep, think. All I knew was them. I climbed up to the second story of their house, and quietly opened the window. They were still awake, they waited up all night, waiting for me to get there, I could see the bags under their eyes.

    Poor (Y/N), having to wait up so long just to see me before they went to bed.

    I slowly tip toed over to their bed, laid down on their bed next to them, and started to play with their hair. They soon fell into a deep sleep.

    When I felt them start to stir, I quickly went back out the window as I came, and ran down the street back home.

    The others soon became suspicious, afraid that my own reckless choices would get us arrested. I suppose that they were more careful then it came to securing their love, but I've always had a stronger drive than the rest of them. Roman had his love fallen deep into Stockholm Syndrome, which I guess was great for him. Patton's... well... they managed to get away, fortunately, he had moved on to someone else by that point. Logan claimed that he didn't quite have time for that, but I still catch him watching them out the window.

    I was quite alarmed when I saw (Y/N) talking to some guy, he was asking them if they would be interested in going to the movies with him. They declined, remembering to mention that they had a boyfriend, as I instructed. They must have seen me watching, because they sent me a soft smile, happy that I came to help them.

    Although, I couldn't have the possibility that he might try to take them from me AGAIN. So I urged them to move in with me, I told them I would make the others go out whenever we needed something, so I never had to leave their side. They seemed thrilled, because they moved in the next day.

    I knew that they were self conscious, needed a kind of reassurance, and I was the only person that could give it to them. Maybe that was the reason that they stayed?

    (Y/N) fell asleep on my arm, mumbling something about how much they loved me. I smiled, now I would have them forever. I looked down at my spouse to be, and at the ring now on their finger.

They always looked so beautiful when they were sleeping...

(A/N) I saw this prompt, and wanted to write something surrounding Stockholm Syndrome, because I know that it's a sad reality for some people. If you are in a relationship like this. PLEASE tell someone, you aren't alone.

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