Snake (Pt.2) - Deceit x Reader/Virgil x Reader

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(Warnings: Heatstroke, Underwear (lol), Crying, Cheating, Angst, Fluff)

(A/N) I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get back, but I'm feeling good and I'm ready to continue writing! I also feel bad, because I edited your original idea a bit. Let me know if you want me to change it though!

 Let me know if you want me to change it though!

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{Your POV}

    You must have been running for 30 straight minutes before you got to the Sanders' house.

    You didn't have a choice, considering your mom wouldn't take you there anymore.

    She never let you see De, and quite frankly, she never really approved of your relationship at all.

    You just wish she would lay off already.

     After running on the hot asphalt in the beating sun, you finally arrived at the blue house with white shudders on Earl Avenue. You felt beads of sweat drip down your back, and begin to dampen your t-shirt as you bent over to catch your breath. Your hands were placed on your knees, and you took a moment to stare at the curious ladybug wandering in the cracks of the cement.

    The heat was sweltering now, and you knew that the longer you stood out there, the faster the heatstroke would set in. You stood, and wiped the back of your hand across your forehead. Unsurprisingly, your hand was now covered in the warm and sticky sweat that was once on your forehead.

    "(Y/N)?" You heard someone yell, but it only took a moment for you to register the voice of your best friend.

    You turned to see Virgil standing right inside the front door, with obvious concern in his chocolate-colored eyes.

    "Virgil," You sighed in relief, but made no extra effort to get yourself inside.

    Actually, you began to feel the ground start to sway ever so slightly, and you turned to Virgil for assistance. He didn't seem to understand, and only watched as you gestured for him. He must have finally decided that something was wrong, and rushed over to your side.

    "What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you steady.

    You didn't even notice that you were swaying.

    All you could think about was how hot it was outside. Soon, all the pressure on your shoulders had numbed, and you were left with darkening vision, and a voice inside of your head that just kept repeating, "I don't want to die."

    Is this really how you were going to die?

    Lying in your best friend's arms?

    What were they going to tell your parents?

    That you died because they wouldn't drive you to your boyfriend's house?

    This isn't right.

    Soon, the darkness that you thought would be eternal turned to a bright white, and quiet muffled voices were the only things you could hear.

    The second sense to return was your sense of touch, and you could feel something... wet?

    No, everything was wet. Were you in a pool?

    The Sanders' didn't have a pool, what were you talking about?

    "Can you hear me?"

    You felt someone stroke your forehead, and you tried to open your eyes.

    It felt like trying to lift a block of solid steel, and it must have taken a good five minutes before your eyes would open. When they did, you saw your best friend looking down at you with a smile on his face.

    That's when the residual numbness left, and you realized that you were in a bath.

    An ice bath.

    Not only that, but you were in your underwear.

    Today clearly wasn't going gangbusters.

    You screeched, and Virgil panicked, probably thinking that you were more bothered by the fact that you were in your underwear than the fact that it felt like you were being stabbed by icicles all over your body. At this point, your eyes were screwed shut, and you were shaking like a leaf.

    You felt his warm arms wrap around you, and he starting walking, probably to his bedroom.

    He placed you on his bed, and proceeded to place multiple layers on you, included the heated blanked you got him last Christmas.

    Slowly, you opened your eyes to the sight of an incredibly worried Virgil standing over you.

    "Where's De?" You asked, voice hoarse from literally almost dying like half an hour ago.

    (A/N) I notice that I get sassy when I'm tired, and believe me, I'm really tired.

    Virgil hesitated for a moment, before responding, "That's not important."

    "Virgil, just tell me," You replied, snuggling up to the blankets to gather all of the heat they had to offer.

    There was a moment of silence before he finally answered.

    "Mom and dad kicked him out," He whispered, avoiding eye contact.

    You couldn't believe it. De had gotten in trouble before, but they had never threatened to kick him out.

    "Why?" You asked, reaching your hand out to grasp his.

    "He was here with your friend, Alex," He muttered, hatred clear in his eyes.

    "N-No, he wouldn't," You insisted, but you could already see the tears gathering in your eyes.

    Soon you were grouped up into Virgil's arms, and he held you tight against his chest.

    It wasn't long before you were shaking and gasping, your sobs cutting through the room like a knife.

    "Remember your breathing exercises, (Y/N)," Virgil reminded, helping you through controlling your breathing, before you stopped crying altogether.

    You were so tired, and right before you drifted off, you heard Virgil whisper,

    "He never deserved you, (Y/N). But I could, if you give me a chance."

(A/N) I literally don't have time to edit this because I am so crazy tired, lol. I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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