Study Date - Logan x Reader

572 13 9

(Warnings: Le Time Skips, School, Logan Kinda Being A Priss, Studying, Laughter??, Lazy Writing, Hints Of Poly Relationship)

(A/N) I totally chickened out of making another original storyline, and used the same one that I used in my last headcanon... So for all of you who enjoyed that, this is what Logan and the readers study dates were like. And to thegreatgrace05, it is crucial that you read my "Dating All Of The Sanders Sides Would Include" headcanon before reading this. :) 

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{Your POV}

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{Your POV}


(Logan Berry)- I'm here, and you're late.

(Y/N)-I'm sorry! I got stuck in detention.

(Logan Berry)-Just get here as soon as possible.


    You raced through the halls, careful not to trip on the wet floors... or the wet floors sign. When you picked Logan (aka the smartest kid in school/valedictorian/class president) to be your tutor, you thought he would be a bit happier to actually do his job. Surprisingly, you've never actually met him. He's almost like a ghost story in this school, seeing as he spends most of his time tutoring, studying, or doing whatever it is that smart people do.

    Considering you just moved here, you've never even seen him before.

    To be fair, the guy has his own page on the school website, where you're supposed to send an email and and ask for tutoring before he will "approve" you. It took forever for him to actually say yes, and you assumed it was because your grades dropped so dramatically. Maybe he just thought you were a lost cause?

    You were actually doing really well in your classes! That is until two boys started fighting for your time, then you didn't quite have time for schoolwork. Virgil and Roman, one was the football team quarterback, the most popular guy in school, and sometimes a total idiot, and the other was a shy, dark-humored, emo who also thrived off of any type of affection. They also hated each other, so that didn't leave much room for "double dates".

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