Snake (Pt.1) - Deceit x Reader/Virgil x Reader

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(Warnings:  Abusive Relationship Trigger, It's Mostly Emotional In This Imagine, But I Wouldn't Rule Out That He Was A Bit Physically Abusive Too, The Reader Probably Didn't Notice, Manipulative Boyfriend)

(A/N) Dude, I have no idea why this took me so long... but I totally forgot about Wattpad. Super sorry guys... I promise that I'll figure out a schedule for writing Sanders Sides content on Wattpad, and my other interests on Tumblr.

 I promise that I'll figure out a schedule for writing Sanders Sides content on Wattpad, and my other interests on Tumblr

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{Your POV}

    De was the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

    He walked you to your classes,

    Actually showed you affection in front of his friends,

    And he let you hang out with his brothers too, without getting jealous.

    So, of course, you did the same.

    Sure he was allowed to hang out with your friends...

    That's just what a good partner does...right?

    Virgil was your best friend.

    You were so close, that your other classmates were convinced you were dating. Of course, the blushing emo would just roll his eyes, and continue eating his lunch, as the other kids whispered in each other's ears.

    But you were with De, Virgil's brother.

    Well, one of Virgil's many brothers.

    Thomas, Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, De, and Remus were the Sanders' septuplets.

    You got along really well with all of them! But you had been the closest with Virgil since kindergarten. 

    There was even a picture of you two somewhere, holding hands in the corner of the classroom. It was because De had stuck some gum in your hair, so you couldn't have your photo taken for picture day. It's not De's fault, he was just little! But you still remember feeling so embarrassed and ashamed, you cried in the corner of the room.

    Soon, a little boy in a black hoodie with messy hair stuck out his little hand to you, and the rest was history. You spent nearly every day with Virgil, sloppily painting his nails, and trying to color his hair with purple markers. 

    Ah, kindergarten.

    But now you were in high school, and you and De were dating.

    De had quit making you miserable by middle school and instead started hanging out with some lowlives from a downtown school. You had lost track of all the times you sat with his brothers, waiting for a call from the police station because De left home. The last time was only a couple months ago when he snuck out to visit the less talked about brother in juvy upstate.

    (None of the others will talk about what Remus did to land himself in prison, the topic seems to make them... uncomfortable.)

    (Best not to bring it up.)

      Yes, De might be a troublemaker, even a "bad boy" as some of your other classmates call him, but he's the sweetest guy you've ever met!

    I mean, he's the one who showed you how controlling your parents were, and he got you to loosen up, and have some more fun. If it wasn't for him, you would still be hanging out with your old nosey untrustful friends.

   "They don't respect your privacy." De urged, holding you by the shoulders.

   "Of course they do, they were just worried over not-" You had tried to reassure, but he wouldn't listen.

    "They looked through your diary. You know I'm the only one allowed to do that." De quickly said.

   "I know, but they only wanted to make sure I was safe."

    "What? From me? Why would they think you're not safe with me? Do you not trust me or something?" He urged, looking deep into your (E/C) eyes.

   "Of course I trust you De!" You assured, smiling up at him.

    "Good. Then I want you to stop talking to them." De said coldly, removing his hands from your shoulders, and crossing his arms.

    "Alright." You whispered, looking down at your feet.

   "That's good." De said, using his finger to lift up your chin.

    "You know I love you, don't you?"


    "And you love me too right, (Y/N)?"

    "Yes... I love you."

    "Then one day you'll understand."

    You felt your phone buzz in your pocket.

   "Crap, I'm gonna be late." You whispered to yourself, desperately waiting for the bus to stop.

    Finally, the bus reached your house, and you rushed inside to put your bag away.

   Before you could make it up to your room, you heard your mom call you from the kitchen.

   "Are you going to see De again?" She yelled, but you could hear the vindictive tone in her voice.

    "Yeah, I'm late for our date." You responded.

    She said nothing, so you hurried and put your things in your room, and ran back out the door.

    (To Be Continued...)

(A/N) Okay, so I have a reason for this. I had a few ideas of where this could go, and it might get really long. It's also very late, and I didn't want to be up all night writing. I hope you enjoyed anyways! Tayatoast12

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