Time - Thomas x Reader

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(Warnings: Soulmate AU, Cheating, Angst, Crying, Sadness, Kissing, Just A Little Bit Of Fluff)

(A/N) Ooof, it took me like days to complete this... sorry.

{Your POV}

    Of course I was late for work.

    My boss must have called me 5 times this morning, it's not really my fault though.

    I was a bit distracted by the timer on my wrist.

    It was supposed to show the time you found your soulmate.

    Today, mine read,  "1 hour - 37 minutes - 7 seconds".

    I had to have been stuck in place for at least half an hour.

    But now wasn't the time to focus on that, I was about to be late for the 4th time this week!

    I raced down the sidewalk, dodging the people walking next to me. I could feel my shoes untying, and my socks sliding down, but I had to keep going. One more incident like this, and I would surely be fired. Most would be thrilled to get to meet their soulmate so soon in life, but I wasn't too worried about that right now. Soulmates were supposed to mean "true love" or something, but I just couldn't believe that. I've been in plenty of relationships before, and I have been in love with plenty of people. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that you could love one person more than anything else EVER.

    I heard a someone scream "STOP!" at the top of their lungs, and I realized that I had almost ran into a street. There were cars whizzing by, so fast I couldn't see most of them move. Someone touched my shoulder, and I looked behind me to see who it was. It was a man maybe in his mid to late twenties, his face was red and covered in sweat, and his hair was a mess. I looked at his face for a moment, I noticed his warm brown eyes, and his dark brown hair with a bit of faded purple on the ends.

   "Are you okay?!" He asked, he was panting hard.

    "You... you saved my life." I whispered, astonished.

    He sighed in relief, and brought his hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

    "No problem, I'm Thomas by the way." He smiled, and stuck his hand out.

    "(Y/N)." I replied, as I reached out for his hand.

    My sleeve rolled up, and I noticed the timer on my wrist. It read, "0 hours - 0 minutes - 0 seconds". I felt my mouth drop open, and I stared at my wrist for a moment. The markings slowly disappeared, and I looked back at Thomas. He noticed, of course he did. He put his arm back down, and reached for his other hand. He looked at his own timer, and gasped. I looked myself, and his timer read, "0 hours - 0 minutes - 0 seconds". 

    He was my soulmate.

    I was HIS soulmate.



    I can't have a soulmate right now. I have a BOYFRIEND.

    I didn't know what to do, so I just ran. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, my adrenaline was still high and my heart was pounding, but I just ran. I'm not sure where I ran to, but I know that it was far, FAR away from that stupid street. From that stupid, gorgeous man who was my soulmate. I needed to call my boyfriend, he had a right to know what was going on.

    I reached into my back pocket, crap. I couldn't feel my phone anywhere, and now the anxiety of losing my phone and possibly my boyfriend just made me crumble. I felt the tears drip from my eyes, and I started breathing shakily. I looked around me, was I in an alleyway? I leaned on a brick wall of a neighboring building, and almost started sliding down to sit against it. That's when I decided that I didn't want to sit on any broken glass or needles, so I just stood up. I buried my face in my hands, and debated with myself.

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