Dating All Of The Sanders Sides Would Include

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(A/N) This is a highschool AU kinda thing, and the sides don't look the same. Also Thomas doesn't exist, lol. I have an image in my head for their looks, (which a tumblr user drew) so I will be linking their tumblr page. Please search "Sanders Sides" and find the fanart I'm talking about, because it will help you imagine the characters better, and their art is just amazing!

Check them out!

(P.S.) Literally as I was typing this, they responded to me asking permission, and they gratefully gave it to me. (^^*)/


(Also that gif is me sliding into their tumblr inbox 😂)

-I wouldn't go as far as to say you were "anti-social" in class.

-But you definitely weren't very talkative with strangers.

-You were kinda new, and didn't make a TON of friends.

-Virgil sure did like looking at you, though.

-He was the quiet kid in the back, usually not paying that much attention to what was being taught at all.

-He could tell you were shy, and he could relate.

-You two talked a few times, and he definitely got a crush on you rEAL FreAKiN QUicK.

-Like heart eyes 24/7

-He finally got up the courage to invite you to his house.

-He turned on some music, and layed down on his bed, you sitting next to him.

-Without warning, you jumped up, and started badly dancing to the song.

-Singing quite loudly too.

-He had never been so in love.

-He went to walk you home that night, and it was cold out.

-So he gave you his sweatshirt to wear.

-It smelt like a kind of edgy Hot Topic cologne, and...warm?

-You didn't know warm was a smell.

-Until you smelt Virgil's hoodie.

-You got to your house, finally.

-And he brushed his hand on your cheek.

-And pulled the hood up on your head.

-"You can uh... give it back tomorrow."

-"Thank you, Virge."

-You didn't miss the blush on his face as he walked home.

-Roman was... another thing.

-He was the most popular guy at school, and while you wouldn't say he was a "bully", he wasn't really the nicest person to be around.

-It's not really his fault though, he just has some wack friends.

-Like Steve, from Stranger Things.

-He was kinda picking fun at Virgil, as his idiot quarterback friends pushed him around.

-You intervened.

-Virgil thought you were the most beautiful thing ever.

-So did Roman.

Thomas Sanders & Sanders Sides (Imagines and Headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now