Chapter 1

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A/N-Hello everyone! This is the first chapter of my new book, We Found Love! Yay! This chapter is pretty short, as it is the introduction for the story and how you first meet a special someone 😉. I really hope you enjoy the story! Feel free to leave comments and message me💕Love you all!

     You felt the warm sun beat down on your exposed skin and face as you stepped out of the comfort of your small, cozy apartment and back onto the somewhat crowded streets of New York. 

You wondered again, what you were doing here, and what kept pulling you back to this place, which lacked peace and other things that your heart longed for. 

As you moved to the right side of the street, preparing to turn, a figure moved past you in the opposite direction and something hard hit the side of your thigh. 

Startled by the feeling, you turned around to find a man, not much older than you it seemed, running with a large brown briefcase in his hand. 

"S-sorry, Miss." He shouted, turning back for a second as he gripped the case tightly and increased his speed, moving farther away from you and the surrounding crowd. 

The navy coat he was wearing, you noticed, followed him as it moved gently from side to side behind him. 

"Wait!" You shouted, trying to get his attention, but he didn't stop.  For some reason, you felt something pulling you towards him. It was mainly your curiosity doing this.

You'd never truly seen someone like that before, and you were eager to know more about the person leaving your sight.  Something seemed familiar about him.

As you stepped forward and began to place your foot on the ground, you felt something hard under your shoe. 

Looking down, you saw something that looked very similar to a stick.  As you picked it up to examine it more closely, you noticed it was two different shades of brown. 

In between these two different shades was a grey color, almost clay-looking.  You quickly decided you didn't want him to be without whatever he had dropped, so, mustering up the courage, you began to chase after him. 

What happened next, though, you never saw coming...

A/N-Hey! Sorry this chapter was short and I hope it wasn't too crappy 😬

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