Chapter 3

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A/N-Hey everyone! I hope you've been liking this book so far (even though it's kinda bad but we're working on it)! Also look at this cute picture of Newt awww :) Anyway, here's another chapter! It's kind of short, but I hope you still love it!

After parting ways with Newt, stopping at work, picking up your groceries, and running errands, you went back to your apartment and got ready to go to sleep.

You showered and relaxed as the warm water gently hit your skin. After drying off, you put on your night clothes and sank right into your warm bed. Your covers and sheets seemed to give you a hug as they wrapped around your tired body. 

You turned off the lamp which sat on the wooden nightstand to your right and, slowly, you began to close your eyes as the room turned dark. Everything was still and quiet-that is, until a noise woke you from your light, peaceful sleep.

You considered the fact that the noise you heard could have just been other people coming home to their rooms late, not wanting to get up again. You were okay with this option until you heard a bang and quick taps, sounding almost like rain drops-but harder, coming from outside of your bedroom window.

Something told you it wasn't other neighbors from the apartment building.

As you reached for the switch on the lamp to the right of you, you heard the noises again and saw the shadow of a large figure through your curtains. You felt the lamp switch under your finger and flipped it on as you quickly pulled the covers off of your body.

You rubbed your eyes and got out of bed. You were now standing as the light reflected slightly off of the tv against the white wall in front of you and you looked away, allowing your eyes to adjust to the new light.

You opened the curtains to your window to investigate, expecting anything but what you saw before you.

You let out a shriek when you saw a plump, rodent-like creature with black fur and small, light blue eyes staring at you while it sat on the outside edge of your bedroom window.

The creature, you noticed, also had a long orange snout that stayed awfully close to the glass that seperated you both.

It looked like nothing you'd ever seen before, and if you hadn't been so frightened, you probably would have laughed at how cute and curious it seemed to be.

"Please! Don't hurt him!" You heard a muffled voice say from outside. You looked down and your eyes searched the ground for where it was coming from. Sure enough, it was him...

A/N-Hey! Another kind of short chapter today, but I hope you still liked it! Thanks so much for reading!
See you again next Saturday!!

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