Chapter 5

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A/N-Hey everyone! This time the story is going to be told from Newts POV as well! Enjoy!

-Newts POV- (His POV that shows what happened before you saw him outside your apartment building)
The streets were still partially crowded even though rush hour had passed. I was running by an old apartment building, my case in hand, as I saw a small, black figure climbing its way up to a window on the second floor. None of the lights seemed to be on.

I wondered for a moment what was up there, then realized as I saw him. Oh no!

"Popsey!" I shouted in a loud whisper. Panic rushed through my veins as I watched him bump into the closed window.

He escaped again!? My niffler?
If someone saw him, they might take him away. I thought. They might find out about my creatures. Everything that must be hidden.

I was already running late and was behind schedule, as I hadn't found Tina and Queenie, who were my reason for coming back to New York on such short notice

They told me there was danger.

I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest as a light turned on in the room Popsey was looking in. Then the curtains moved.

Popsey get down. Please.

I moved my hand to my wand, not wanting to have to use it, but willing to if someone tried to hurt him again.

As my hand felt the wood, I remembered the kind woman who returned it to me.

She truly did save me back there. I thought. What would I have done if I'd lost my wand? What would I have done if it had hurt people, or if it got in the wrong hands without me even knowing?

My thoughts were interrupted by a shriek. I realized what was happening.

"Please!" I shouted. "Don't hurt him!" I held my wand tighter, waiting to use it but not wanting to.

I was startled for a moment when I saw who the noise came from. Miss (Y/F/N).

This was where she lived? Here, in New York? I released my wand as her eyes met mine. It made sense.

"Mister Scamander. We meet again!" She said matter-of-factly, as she opened the window halfway.

"H-Hello!" I shouted.

"Who's this little guy?" She said as she looked down at Popsey, who was foolishly still at her window.

What do I say, what do I say, what do I-
"Oh, he-he's what we call a-uh-a Niffler." No.

She paused. "We? Who's we? And did you say a-a niffler?"

Oh dear. I thought. There's so much she doesn't know. She can't be a witch. Not if she doesn't know Popsey, or about my wand. She's a muggle. This is dangerous.

"I would love to explain everything to you, really." I said, looking up at her. "But it might be easier if-if I were with you?" I said hesitantly, not wanting to intrude.
"Would you mind?"

"Oh yes! Of course. Right." She paused. "Should I-should I let the-um-the niffler in?" She asked.

I suppose that might be the best option.
I thought. 

"If you don't mind, just so he doesn't run away where I can't reach him." I said.

She let Popsey in before shutting the window and closing the curtains.
Now what do I do?

I climbed up the stairs of the apartment building and tried to open the door. Locked.

Quickly looking around, I made sure no one was nearby as I took out my wand and whispered, "Alohomora."

I heard the door unlock as I put my wand back in my pocket.

The first floor of the building was dimly lit and quiet. I walked up the stairs to my right and stopped at the second floor.

Here goes nothing...

A/N-Hey loves! Happy Saturday! I hope you liked this chapter even though it was kind of repetitive... I just wanted you to know what happened before you saw him and where he was going :) thanks!

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