Chapter 6

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A/N-Hey everyone! This chapter is in your POV now, I hope you like it!! Thanks for your support and love!

"I'm really so sorry about this, (Y/F/N)." Newt said, shyly as he stepped into your apartment.

You subconsciously noticed that he still had his case in his hand, but paid no attention to that.

You were far more focused on his eyes. Though they weren't looking at you, you could still tell that they were beautiful.

You also became mesmerized by the large number of freckles on his face. He was like no man you'd ever seen.

Magical? Well- Definitely different...

You left your thoughts for a moment as you said "Oh, don't worry about it, Newt." You told him, waving off his apology. You realized that it was the first time you'd ever called him by his name, and for some reason, you liked the sound of it a lot.

"It's just that I've never seen anything like him. He's really quite adorable." You said as you brought all of your attention to the Niffler that was, with all his might, trying to hold onto all of the jewelry he could.

What you said shocked Newt slightly, for it wasn't the reaction that he was expecting from you, especially not someone who wasn't knowledgeable about magic and its creatures.

Most people were more determined to capture or kill or sell the creatures in his case, while you enjoyed the niffler's presence and saw the good in him.

"You think so?" He asked, curiously.

You nodded, giving a small smile.

Lost in the conversation, neither of you realized that the Niffler's burning curiosity and desire for shiny things led him to the apartment door, which had not been closed all the way.

When you and Newt saw him leave the room, running quickly on all fours, you knew it was too late.

The two of you looked at one another, then back at the door as you heard some of your jewelry fall down the stairs in the building, leading down to the first floor.

"No!" You shouted. Your mind flashing back to the moment when the Niffler crawled out of the drawer.

To test if your suspicions were to be confirmed or denied, you ran over to your dresser and looked for an item close to your heart.

Your heart sank when you realized it was, in fact, gone. "He has my mother's bracelet."

A/N-Well, I hope you liked this week's chapter😁I'll be back next Saturday!! Love you all! Thanks for reading!

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