Chapter 13

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A/N-Chapter 13 is here!! Enjoy!

          When the spinning stopped and you could see your surroundings clearly, you were somewhere you did not recognize.

Gennady was still holding onto your arm tightly. 

The room you were in was dark, with only three candles lit on a table in the middle of the room and a desk in the corner. 

The floor was covered by a dark red and brown rug which did not look soft.  There was a gold chandelier, barely visible, hanging from the ceiling above you as well.

"What did you-where are we?" You asked, stumbling over your words.

"We teleported to my office." Gennady said, pulling you over to the desk.  "Now, are you going to answer my question?" He asked, the candlelight making his grey hair shine slightly. 

"I-I told you already I have no idea what you're talking about." You shouted. "Can you just let me go?"

He nodded and said, "That would be the easy thing to do.  Let you go... But, after you've already lied to me? No, I don't think I can trust you."

After opening one of the desk drawers, he took out something you could barely see. You tried to get closer, but Gennady pushed you back and put the object near your face. A spray of liquid came out of it and the world faded away.


You woke up in pain and when your eyes opened, they stung a little. It took you a moment to realize that you were sitting in a chair, or rather, tied to a chair as your arms were restrained behind your back. You were still in Gennady's dimly lit office you realized, looking for a way out.

"H-hello?" You said. "Is anyone there?" You shook the chair to see if it would break under immense force, but no such luck.

"Trying to leave?" You heard a voice behind you ask. Gennady.

"I already told you, I don't know anything. I just want to go home." You replied.

"You put up a very hard fight, but I know who you are, Miss (Y/L/N)." He growled, revealing himself as he moved in front of you. "And, again, if I'm not mistaken I believe your boyfriend has something that belongs to me."

You froze. Boyfriend? Oh-Newt.

"What are you talking about? What belongs to you?" You asked.

"A case." Gennady said, plainly. "Full is magical creatures. Which all belong to me."

He's lying. You thought. Newt wouldn't steal anything.  He's not like that.

"I don't know anything about a ca-"

He interrupted you and shouted, "Stop lying!" He ran his hand through his grey hair, frustrated as hell. 

Gennady raised an eyebrow at you, "If you don't tell me where my creatures are now, you will not be set free. Are you sure you want that?"

You thought for a moment. "The case," You started, "what does it look like?  Who has it now?"

The man took a step toward you so his face was only inches away from yours as he growled, "I think you already know."

"If I promise to get it for you, will you really let me go?" You asked.

"Really, truly." Gennady said.

"Ok." You told him, nodding. "Then I can find it, and-and bring it back to you."

Gennady said while cutting the ropes that connected you to the wooden chair. "Alright. But, try to fool me, and there will be consequences."

You nodded, and Gennady grabbed your arm and held his wand up in the air.

"Wait!" You shouted, getting Gennady's attention. 

He looked down at you, giving you his full attention. "What was it you said that brought us here? What did you do?"

"It's a spell that gives wizards the ability to teleport to different places within seconds." He explained. "Why?"

"Well, it just makes me a little sick and dizzy, that's all." You said, avoiding eye-contact.

Gennady let out a sigh. "You muggles are exhausting. You know that?"

"Muggles?" You asked. "Is that what you call humans?"

Gennady nodded at you. "You catch onto things quickly. Come on, lets go."

A/N- Sorry this chapter was kinda short :/ if you liked it, be sure to hit the star button and give it a vote!! Thanks everyone❤️

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