Chapter 15

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A/N-Hey everyone! So sorry for the late update! Chapter 15 is here now!

Newt? And me? What does that mean?

"How do you feel about him?" She asked.
"Why are you asking me this?" You paused. She's probably seen it. In my mind. In my thoughts.

Queenie nodded. "I've just seen it. The way you two look at each other, honey. You care about each other."

You were about to respond, but heard another noise coming from the kitchen. Tina came back, flustered. Her voice was muffled, but sounded panicked.

You walked out of the room quickly, Queenie following you as you asked, "What's going on?"
Tina looked very upset, devestated even, as she looked at you.

"MACUSA is not happy with this new 'dark wizard' case. Or a no-maj who has way too much knowledge of magic and-"

Newt interrupted her. "She's not a no-maj. I don't know if she is at least. She has connections to family in and graduated from Hogwarts."

Newt looked at you. "There's only one way to find out."

You froze. "What are you talking about, Newt?"

There's only one way to find out? I might be-

"A witch!" Queenie said excitedly.

"Please, stop doing that." You said.
"Reading my mind, I mean." It made you slightly uncomfortable to have someone reading your thoughts.

"Oh, right honey." Queenie said, giving you a half smile. "Sorry."

You turned back to Newt, confused. "How am I supposed to prove myself a witch? If I even am one."

Newt took his wand out of his pocket. "You're not normally supposed to do this, but it seems we have no other choice."

Hesitantly, he gave it to you. "Try to cast a spell. Maybe something will happen."

You took the wand and felt it in your hand. The sensation it gave you felt right. Like you were meant to have this. Like you were meant to hold a wand.

"Okay." You said. "What do I say?" You asked.
"Try this." Newt instructed. He took a spoon from the table and held it in his hand. "Now say Accio."

You paused. What if I do it wrong? You thought.

"Don't worry." Newt said. "If the spell goes right, the spoon will go to you."

You nodded. Alright. Sounds easy enough. "Wave your wand like so." Tina said, demonstrating.

Okay. You know what to do. You told yourself.
You held up Newt's wand in your hand and shouted, "Accio!"

The spoon went flying toward you and you ducked, panicked. You slowly looked up at Newt in disbelief and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Did-did the spoon just-" You looked back at the spoon which was now stuck in the wood of your bedroom door. "Oh."

Newt ran to you and said "See! You are a witch! And a great one at that."

You blushed, remembering what happened in your room and what Queenie had said about the two of you just moments ago.

"Thanks, Newt." You said. "Well then. What do we do now?"

Tina looked at you and said, "We'll have to inform MACUSA. And the ministry. I believe they still think you're a no-maj. As for Gennady, I'm sure they've already started forming a plan. But we should still be cautious."

You, Newt, and Queenie agreed with her. "I think it might be best if you come along then, (F/N)." She said.


Newt stepped next to you and looked at Tina.

"Are you going to apparate again?" He asked.

"(F/N) had trouble with that. I don't think it will get much better for her after just one try."

You turned to face him. "It's alright, Newt. I'll be fine." You gave him a smile and moved over to Tina, preparing to teleport to a new location.

"Here we go." She said, and just like that, the two of you vanished...

A/N-Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! If you did, please be sure to click that star button and vote, and feel free to comment suggestions & comments❤️❤️Love you all!

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