Chapter 4

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A/N-Hello again!! This is another short chapter, but I hope you enjoy!
I should also mention that this story doesn't exactly follow the FBAWTFT story line, but I still like the plot!
Well, love you all!! Thank you for reading and for your support!

As you watched through the window, you noticed that there was little night life now. The sky was dark, and the only light out seemed to be coming from the moon's glow and the street lights in the distance.

You opened the window halfway, while blocking the opening with your body to ensure that the creature, whatever it was, couldn't get inside your room.

"Mister Scamander. We meet again!" You shouted, moving your hips to the right, and blocking the creature as he tried to move past you.

"H-hello!" He said, giving a small wave while looking up at you.

"Who's this little guy?" You asked, starting to admire the peculiar creature before you.

"Oh, he-he's what we call a-uh-a Niffler." Newt replied.

You paused. "We?" You asked, puzzled. "Who's we? And did you say a-a niffler?"

"I would love to explain everything to you, really. But it might be easier if-if I were with you?" He said shyly. "Would you mind?"

"Oh yes! Of course. Right." You paused. "Should I let the-um- Niffler in?" You asked, remembering the new word you'd just been taught.

"If you don't mind, just so he doesn't run away to where I can't reach him." Newt said.

You moved your hips away from the creature, finally allowing it to enter your home, and watched as it dove right onto the rug on the floor and rushed to the bed, sniffing everything in its path.

After you closed the window and locked it, and then shut your grey curtains, you watched the niffler again as it found its way into one of your drawers.

"Hello little guy!" You said, cheerfully.
The Niffler was adorable and seemed to be quite the pet. You'd never seen anything like him before, but still pushed your fantasies and thoughts of magic aside.

It's not real. It can't be. Mom, I'm not sure I still believe. But, how peculiar is it that I keep finding myself in magical situations?

Noticing that there was something in his paw, you asked, "What've you got there? Is that-"

You watched the Niffler climb out of the drawer, as his pouch grew slightly packed with a large collection of your bracelets and some of your necklaces wrapped around him. You couldn't help but laugh as you saw him reach for another one.

Then, just as you were about to move closer, you heard a knock on the door. It must be him. You thought to yourself.

"He definitely has some explaining to do." You mumbled quietly to yourself, looking back at the Niffler once more.

A/N-Ok, so I know that chapter was kind of bad :/ sorry about that you guys! I hope you like the story though!

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