Chapter 7

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A/N-Happy Saturday! Sorry I updated so late, I've been very busy! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy chapter 7 of We Found Love💕

You sprinted down the hallway, chasing after the smallest jewelry thief you'd ever seen, not that you had even seen one in person before.  Only in movies.  Your life was never truly that exciting or dangerous.  But, just like earlier, you noticed that wherever Newt was, trouble and excitement followed.

"I've almost got him!"  Newt said, coming face to face with the creature.  But, just as fast as he'd caught up to him, he'd lost him, and the niffler ran in between his legs. 

He still has the bracelet.  You noticed silently to herself.  I can't lose it.

"Come on, Popsey."  You heard Newt say. 
The niffler froze at the bottom of the staircase, looking at you, then Newt, then back to you again. 

"Hello, Popsy." You said, gently. "You like shiny things, huh?"

"He loves them." Newt replied, his eyes still on Popsy.

Slowly stepping forward, Newt said, "But you have to give them back."

The niffler almost appeared to be shaking its head at him stubbornly.

After a moment, the creature came closer to Newt and he took the opportunity to catch Popsy and flip him upside down.

You watched Newt as he held Popsy, who was smuggling far more than just your jewelry.  Tons and tons of small coins began to fall out of the niffler's pouch, making a racket once they fell and touched the ground quickly like heavy rain droplets. 

"Where did he get all of this?" You asked, fascinated. 

"This wasn't the first place he tried to explore." Newt replied, watching the last of the coins fall. 
It was never surprising or shocking to find Popsey without some kind of gold or shiny trinket. 

Once everything had fallen, Newt gently disciplined the niffler while you searched eagerly on the ground for your mother's bracelet.

"Found it!" You exclaimed.

"The bracelet?" Newt asked, looking down at you as he held Popsy.

"Yes!  Oh, I thought it was gone." You told Newt, examining the bracelet your mother gave you before she passed away.  As you held it, a memory flashed in your mind...

*12 years ago*
"Mommy, what-what's going on?" You asked, tears still streaming down your face.  The bedroom was warm and only lit by a few candles and the natural light that was pouring through the window on the wall to the right of your parents' bed. 

"Your mother got very sick while we were away, honey.  It's why we had to come back home so soon."  Your father said, looking down at the carpeted floor.  "That's why Nanny Josephine left."

Your mother had met Josephine years ago while she was living in the UK, and they had been best friends ever since. She had been staying with you for months and you loved her presence.

Your mother coughed, her face pale and voice hoarse. 
"(Y/F/N), I want to tell you something."  Your mother said. 

You walked up to the bed and held your mother's hand, which was also weak and frail.

"Honey, I want you to know that there is-" She paused for a moment, wincing due to a pain in her lower back, "there is magic in this world."

Your father looked up suddenly, shocked by your mother's statement. Then he looked over to the dresser, where your letter had been kept.

You're going to tell her? He thought to himself. 

"You are filled with light and magic and kindness, dear.  And so is this world.  You just have to know where to look."  She said, closing her eyes for a long moment. 

"One of my professors once told me that happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." 

She opened her eyes again, looking at you with sincere and genuine eyes.

"Please, remember that when I'm gone."  You realized what that meant, and that a tear was falling down her cheek.  While wiping it off for her, you said "I will, mommy. I promise."

Though, you couldn't imagine a life without her.

"I want to give this to you." She said, taking a gold bracelet off her wrist and gently putting it into your hands.  "So you can think of me when you find the magic."

You examined the bracelet, noticing the way it glimmered in the light and the way that the charms made a light jingling noise when they touched each other. 

There was one charm that stuck at to you and really caught your eye. 

The charm was red and gold, and there was an animal on the front.  A lion, you noticed. 

On the other three charms, there were more animals and colors.

"What do they mean?"  You asked.

"Each of the charms stands for something different." She said. 

"The one you're looking at, resembles strength, chivalry, and bravery.  The one to the right has a snake on it.  Stands for ambition and resourcefulness.  The badger resembles hard work, loyalty, and kindness." 

You turned the bracelet, looking at the other charms your mother was describing.  "The last one has an eagle.  That one resembles wisdom and intelligence."

You stared at the bracelet again, thinking about what you'd just learned, completely mesmerized by the meaning behind everything. 

"I was a Hufflepuff." She told you, as she looked up at the ceiling and smiled like she was remembering a distant memory.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll see what I mean, dear. In time. Don't worry."  She closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath. "I love you."

You clench your jaw, not ready to say goodbye, but obedient when your father tells you to give your mother some space as she rested. 

The next day she was gone.

"It's beautiful." Newt said.  He was referencing the bracelet, yet, for some reason he was looking at you.

"Thank you for helping me get it back." You said, standing up.

"It was nothing." He said.  "After all, you helped me too when I lost something."

"Well, that is true." You replied. 
Suddenly, you heard a noise coming from upstairs. 

"Hey, who's there?" , you could hear a man's voice say.  "What the hell is going on down there?"

You gave Newt a nervous look, for you knew who it was.  A rude neighbor who had a bad reputation with women. 
He went by the name of Kallan...

A/N-Hey everyone! So, I know that this storyline doesn't match up to that of FBAWTFT but I still hope you liked it!

Also, Kallan is a made up character I created to give the story more drama. 
Anyhow, I hope you all have a good day/night❤️
See you next Saturday!

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