Chapter 2

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A/N-Hey everyone! I'm back! I hope you like this chapter. It's a little short, but I hope it's still good!
In case you don't know these mean:
(Y/H/C)-your hair color
(Y/H/L)-your hair length
(Y/F/N)-your first name
(Y/L/N)-your last name

You followed the man down past the traffic and crowds of people and down an alley, almost fully out of breath but shouting still, "Stop! Please!" You took a deeper breath.
"I do believe you dropped something!" You said, holding the abandoned stick up in the air.

The sunlight reflected off of the stick and off of the buildings around you. The sight was familiar to you, but still struck you with its beauty.

You kept running, and then the chase finally came to an end just as you both reached a dead end. His light brown hair covered part of his face as he slowly turned around, looking at the object you were holding high in your right hand.

His eyes widened and although you couldn't clearly see his face, you could tell that his expression seemed to transform into a mix of shock and fear. It seemed to you that he hadn't even known the stick-like thing was missing until now, when he saw it with you.

You stepped closer to him. "Sir?" You asked. "Are-are you alright?" His lips parted, and you could tell he was trying to speak, that he wanted to even, but was at a loss for words.

Again, you stepped closer to him, the feeling of tension and confusion becoming more recognizable to you as you moved forward.
"I just- I noticed that you dropped this-" you said, pausing for the right word. "Peculiar thing... And-so I wanted to return it."

The man still looked somewhat afraid, so you backed off a bit. "I figured if I lost something, I'd want it back. So, um-here you go?" You said, stumbling over your words and feeling more and more uncomfortable after every second that passed.

You held out your hand, still holding the lost object, and waited for him to take it from you.

Avoiding eye-contact he said in a quiet voice, "Th-thank you, miss." He was hesitant as he reached out his hand and grabbed the stick-like thing from you.

As he was in front of you, you noticed his hand was shaking slightly, and that-while scared-he looked kind of handsome.

"This thing is important to you, isn't it?" You asked, watching him put the object back into his pocket.

"Very." He said in a serious, but kind tone. "I guess I must have dropped it while I was running." He seemed relieved to have it back in his possession once again.

There was a long pause before either of you spoke again.

"Well then, I should get going." You said reluctantly, unready to leave all of the excitement you had experienced this morning.
Nothing as thrilling as this had ever happened to you before. You'd never had to chase anyone down an alley before, especially not to someone so... different.

As you turned around, you heard him speak up and say, "Wait." You looked back at him, your (H/L) (H/C) hair getting in your face for a moment. "It seems that I owe you." He said, sincerely.

"Oh, no. Really." You protested. "But thank you. You're very kind." You said, "Mister?", waiting for his name.

"Scamander." He said kindly. "Miss?"

"(Y/L/N). But my friends call me (Y/F/N)."

"(Y/F/N), that's a lovely name." He said, looking at the ground so as not to make eye contact with you. You noticed his shy behavior, and subconsciously smiled.

"Thank you very much, Mister Scamander."

"Please," He began. "Call me Newt."

A/N-Hello again! I hope you liked this chapter (it was pretty bad soo...😤 but it's fine) and another update will be posted Saturday!

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