Chapter 18

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A/N-Hello everyone!  This is the final chapter of "We Found Love" and I am sad to end this story, but thrilled to have had your love and support throughout the whole thing! I love you all! Thank you!


"I think-I think I found you for a reason." (Y/N) said.

I noticed that tears were beginning to form in her eyes.

"I think, when you bumped into me that day on the street, it was meant to be. Because I've never found anyone like you, and-and I don't think I ever will. And I think when I found you, I found... well, I found love."

It all seemed to hit me at once. The indescribable feeling I felt when I looked at her.

The way I wanted to kiss her and hold her when we were close.

That was the reason. I thought. It was meant to be.

Finally mustering up the courage, I said, "(Y/N), there's something I should tell you, too."

She looked eager to hear what I had to say, and I couldn't blame her at all.

"I also think I met you for a reason. A reason I was unaware of for a long time. That is, until we became closer and-"

I took a deep breath in and let it out, feeling scared.

"(Y/N), I think we found love when we found each other."

She let the tears she was holding in fall down her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me gently.

I hesitantly wrapped my hands around her lower waist, wanting to be this close to her all the time.

When we pulled ourselves away from each other, we were both somewhat teary-eyed.

Now is the time. I thought as I saw the sunset behind her, making her beautiful skin glow and hair shine.

Should I ask her first? I thought, staring at her lips.

I saw her gaze move from my eyes to my lips. Does she want to, too?

"Newt?" She asked, still looking at my lips.

I slowly moved my head closer to hers and watched as she closed her eyes.

I closed mine and, gently, we kissed.

The sensation sent a rush of heat down my spine.

Her lips were soft and I felt her move one of her hands to my cheek.

I found love. We found love. I thought. And, it was more magical than any spell...

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I hope you loved it!

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