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I hear the back door open "everything ok?" I turn around and she walks over smiling at me. The same smile she gives me when she usually has too leave for work.

I take a deep breath and nod slowly "your leaving now aren't you?" She smiles and nods "yeah. I got to go now and sort out a few things." I nod slowly and smile "ok!"

She walks over too my and kisses my forehead "I am sorry bumble bee! I knew you was looking forward for us having breakfast."

I sip my hot chocolate and smile "It's fine. I understand." She smiles and grabs her handbag "I got to go."

She nods towards the TV behind me and I see a car outside on the CCTV "Julie is here." I nod and smile "safe flight."

I stick my cup down and hug her tight "have fun and remember send me loads of pictures ok?" She hugs me and kisses my head "I will."

She wipes away her tears and laugh softly "you can come out and visit me too ok? I will let you know what date I am going to Paris and you can fly out?" I smile and nod "that sounds perfect. I can't wait!"

She bends down and grabs a handbag from the cupboard and smiles "here."

She hands me it and smiles "what's this?" I look inside and see a matching purse and a spray "just a little something."

She grabs the purse and opens it "It's full of money and has an emergency credit card just in case." She laughs and sticks it back "I know how your dad can be like sometimes when it comes too money."

I pick up the spray and laugh "that's just in case you see any...." She smiles sarcastically "wild animals."

I roll my eyes and smirk "I doubt I will see any."

She grabs her keys and bag and heads towards the door "I got to go but remember have fun and be safe." She looks back and take a deep breath "I love you." I wave and smile as she gets too the front door "I love you too."

She opens the door and smirks "I love you most." She blows me kisses "bye bumble bee." She leaves closing the door behind her.

I look around the kitchen and stick the breakfast menu back in the drawer and walk towards the fridge and grab a fruit bag.

I open the fruit bag and walk towards my suitcase and open it and stick the fruit bag down "what has she stuck in my suitcase now."

I grab a white plastic bag and open it and see an old looking book with a picture of a red half-moon and a black wolf howling at it "The Howls of Harper Ferry." I shake my head and stick the book in my handbag "I guess I need something to read on the plane other than magazines."

I walk over to the bin and open it and realise it was full "mum!" I roll my eyes and lift out the bin bag and tie it and walk towards the front door.

I open the door and jump in fright when I see my boyfriend Joe standing at the door "Jesus Joe you scared me!" I shake my head and take a deep breath "what are you doing here?"

He smirks and kisses me and holds up a bunch of red roses smiling "can't let my own girlfriend leave without me at least saying goodbye right?" I roll my eyes and smile "right."

He looks at the bin in my hand raises his eyebrows "what you are doing?" I look down at the bin and shake my head "Martha is only coming by too dust the place so I am guessing she won't look in the bins and I don't want the bin sitting there for the next few months."

I walks towards the bin at the gate and stick the bin bag in before walking back towards Joe. "So?" He smiles at me and nods "you all packed for." He laughs nervously "where are you going again?" I roll my eyes and walk inside "Harper Ferry and yes I am finally all packed and ready to go."

He walks in behind me and closes the door behind him "give me a vase for these baby."

I look around the kitchen and shrug "I don't know where my mum keeps them."

He smirks and walks towards the sink and opens the cupboard and grabs a vase out from it "how did you know they were there?" He sticks water in the vase and turns around and smiles "your mum told me when I used too always bring flowers around."

I nod slowly and take a deep breath "alright."

I shake my head and grab my new handbag and look inside it "purse. Book."

Joe walks over and sticks the vase on the table and smirks "book?" I nod and smile "yes I can read."

He moves my handbag to the side and turns me around "yeah magazines."

He kisses me and moves his hands down the side of my body and places them on my bum "one for the road?" I laugh nervously and push him away softly "nice try but I am not going to have sex for the first time then leave for a year."

He take a deep breath and flings his head back "it was worth a try."

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