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The rest of the morning fly's in and before I know it it's lunch time. We leave math's and walk towards the stairs and Cody nod agreeing "I am so ready for lunch." I smile and nod agreeing "I am not hungry so I will pass and grab something later." We walk down the stairs and towards the cafeteria and he nod agreeing towards a table at the back and smiles "there's my friends." He looks at me and smiles "let's go." I look at the food queue and smile "you not going to get something?" He shakes his head and taps his bag "I have food in here." He shakes his head and smirks "I am a fussy eater you can so?" He walks forward and I take a deep breath and follow after him towards the table of boys wearing football jerseys. They all look at us when we approach the table and one boy wearing a black leather jacket stands up and walks towards Cody "long time no see." Cody looks at him and laugh nervously "Dylan?" He hugs him and smiles "It's been too long." The boy looks at me and smirks "and who may this little beauty be?" Cody looks at me and shakes his head "all right yeah." He nod agreeing towards me and smiles "this is Misty." Dylan holds his hand out and I shake his hand he kisses my hand winks "nice to meet you." He smirks and I pull my hand back and smile "you too."

The boy sits back down and Cody nod agreeing towards a space across from Dylan and smiles "let's sit." I sit down and Cody sits next to me grabbing his bag and pulling out a blue plastic lunch box "you do not eat the school dinners either?" Cody looks at me and shakes his head "not my dad makes me sandwiches." Dylan sits forward and smirks "still picky then?" Cody looks at him and smirks "yeah." I spot James walking over speaking too one of the girls from the cheer squad looking at me "who is James speaking too." I nudge Cody and he looks towards them and nod agreeing "Hannah's." I nod agreeing and smile "his girlfriend?" Cody's friends laugh and Cody shakes his head "he's wishes." He bites into a piece of meat and I shiver when he bites it and I can hear him swallow it "I will be back in a few." Cody looks at me and smiles "where you going?" I look around and spot an exit "I am just going to call my dad and let him know I am ok." I stand up and smile "won't be long." Cody nod agreeing and take a deep breath "good because we have 5 minutes left before the bell goes." He eats another bit of the meat and I shiver and walk towards the exit at the side of the cafeteria and look back towards the table Cody is at and see Dylan looking at me as I open the door and walk out it closing it behind me. The door leads me out into the football field and I pull my phone out and call my dad who answers after the second ring sounding cheery "hey sweetheart how's school treating you?" I smile and lean against the stair railing "hey dad yeah It's good." He take a deep breath in relief and nod agreeing "good." I hear a loud growl and look up to the sky and see the clouds turn grey and hear the school bell ring and I jump "listen dad the school bell just rang so I get too get back inside but I will call you when school is finished ok?" I walk back towards the door and pull it "ok sweetheart see you after school."

I hang up and realise the door it locked "what?" I pull again and push it but it doesn't budge "typical." I kick the door and take a deep breath looking around for another way in. I run down the stairs and spot the car park at the side of the building and run towards it and head towards the front entrance but stop when I hear a loud growl coming from behind me at the side of the cars. I look around and spot my car a few cars down from where I am standing now so reach into my bag and grab my car keys still looking around I start running towards my car and stop outside it and freeze when I see a large black wolf standing at the other side of the car park showing of Its large teeth and big black eyes looking right at me. It steps out from the side of a car and walks slowly towards me. I quickly get into my car locking the doors behind me and starting the car engine before sticking it in reverse. I suddenly stop when I see the school entrance doors swing open and see Ethan walking out the doors looking around "Ethan?" I look out my windows and see the wolf behind me with Its eyes still locked onto me so I roll down my car window and lean out "Ethan!" He looks over and smiles walking towards me "run!" He looks around and I look out the back window and see the wolf looking towards Ethan before walking towards the trees and disappearing into them. I look back towards Ethan and realise he wasn't there and see him at the passenger side door opening it "what you doing?" I stick my finger towards his lip and he licks it "ewww." I move my finger and dry it with my dress "what are we doing? why are you hiding in your car?" I look around and take a deep breath "not who we hiding from." I look at him and cough "what we hiding from." He looks around and laughs "nothing is here?" I look around and take a deep breath in relief "you must have scared it away." He looks at me smiling "what did I scare away exactly?" I look at him and laugh nervously "nothing." He raises his eyebrow and smirks "it sounds ridiculous when I say it in my head never mind out loud." He smiles and rubs my arm "you can tell me believe me I've heard and seen it all in this town." I look down at my feet and laugh nervously "a wolf."

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